Bart Baggett Presents...
Costa Rica Boot Camp Preview Series of
Transformational TeleClasses




Lisa Haisha


Bart's Latest book: Success Secrets of the Rich & Happy


Your Host: Bart Baggett








"Soul Blazing with Lisa Haisha"
Teleclass Recording

Congratulations on your decision to sit-in on one of the most recently sold-out teleclasses hosted by motivational speaker Bart Baggett, with Guest Expert Lisa Haisha

******Before the Class: ******

1. Download the class handout here:

***** Listen to the Teleclass *****

2. Decide if you want to listen to this audio now via FLASH on your computer or download the MP3 File to your iPod or computer to listen to later.

******After the Class: ******

As promised we have all the fill-in-the-blank answers from the worksheet, in case you missed part of the class or just want to review the notes.

These answers can be downloaded at

****** Costa Rica ******

You will also want to visit this website, which Bart and Lisa discussed, and you can be one of the just 35 people coming to Costa Rica. Only a few spots remain.

Please visit

Enjoy the teleclass, the information can change your life if you apply it.

Anita Sarkeesian, Seminar Coordinator


View the entire online catalog of personal transformational products.

To Register for other teleclasses, phone our office or follow the registration procedures listed on the teleclass page: above.

For more information or to suggest a class or propose teaching a class: admin @

Maryann at 309 266-5373 to reserve your seat and get the tele-bridge phone number.

