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How enlightened are you?
Written by: Bart Baggett

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Is it possible to become so "aware" that you bypass your physiology and overcome your personality? Perhaps meditation and enlightenment move you past your programmed reactive ego persona.

How enlightened are you?

Written by Bart Baggett

edited by Linda Hodges

Sometimes you can glean volumes of information from just a few strokes of the pen.

In this case, all the balance, harmony, and peacefulness of this famous Indian sage comes through. However, one would have to wonder about the accuracy of at least one trait.  Remember, the skill of a handwriting expert is directly reflected by their ability to compare and contrast all the different parts of a personality.  People are often lessons in duality and conflict.  So, the handwriting might reveal both sides of a personality trait.  A skilled analyst must know when a trait is a trait and when a trait no longer is prevalent in the character.

I had never heard of Yogi Amrit Desai until I met him at a Deepak Chopra seminar; but, perusing his biography in the back of his book "Amrit Yoga", I concluded he is very famous in the circle of Yoga and Indian culture.  Not only did he pioneer Yoga teaching in the 1960's in America, but he developed a spiritual dimension to the practice of Hatha Yoga and named it Kripalu Yoga.  Since then, over 4,000 yoga teachers are certified in this method.  Furthermore, he was nominated by the Prime Minister of India for the highest honor in India, Padma Vibhushan.  He is also a Doctor of Yoga.

See the raw handwriting sample

See the handwriting sample with my notes

Read my commentary about his personality.

Yogi Desai - My NOTES

Yogi Desai has such balanced and pretty handwriting. His pen has a moderate speed, normal spacing, exact lines, and a compassionate cd/de slant which reveals his empathetic and emotionally expressive nature.  The capital A and D in his name indicate a healthy ego, but not arrogant.  The double cross stroke in the capital A, indicate great persistence.  The hard down strokes indicates a strong physical drive and determination.  The t-bars are moderate up the stem. Practical, above average self-esteem - but not necessarily ambitious on the physical plane.  The underline of the name is a need for self-reliance and the ability to lead others.  Two of the three o/a letters are crisp and clean, indicating a bluntness and directness.  However, the slight inner loops in the word "love," letter o, indicate a reservation of being too blunt when it might hurt someone's feelings.  I don't have enough writing to see if he tells little "white lies," but I suspect he would hold back in order not to insult someone.

The only item that surprised me was the pointed t-bar, which normally indicates a sense of sarcasm.  There are some cases where a fade away t-bar stroke indicates someone who runs out of juice and doesn't finish projects. (And, it is difficult to tell the difference.) However, Yogi Desai is the most un-sarcastic person I've ever met; and, because of the LONG stroke in the t-bars and the long down-strokes, I think "enthusiasm" and "determination " would far outweigh any tendency to not finish projects.  My conclusion is that because of his balance, awareness, and lack of impulsiveness...Yogi Desai no longer acts on any sarcastic thought.  I wouldn't go as far to say he never thinks them, but his temperament is so balanced and his state of mind is so "loving", I do not think sarcasm is a part of who he is.

So, if you become so in touch with your spiritual self (soul), is it possible to overcome the programming and neurological pre-programming to be a smart ass?  I guess so.  If that is the case, I have years of meditation in front of me.

Visit Yogi Desai's website at

Thanks for reading,





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"The client gladly paid $500 for my opinion. It was amazing that I am ready to take clients after only eight months in the school."

- Peggy Walla, Class of 2005



"A recent Court TV program used the services of three renowned examiners to verify documents from the Lindberg Kidnapping. All the methods displayed on the program had been taught to our class! Thank you for sharing your expertise in the field of questioned document examining."

-Barbara McCreary, Class of 2006



Bart Baggett, Author and Lead Trainer
Maryann Redhead, Director
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