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O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive! - Sir Walter Scott


1. FEATURE STORY: Is your lover lying?  This letter reveals the truth
By Guest Author Mark Dehe

2. FAQ: Do lying loops in my handwriting make me a bad person?

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Is your lover lying?  This letter reveals the truth

Written by
Mark Dehe

edited by Linda Hodges

One of the reasons I became interested in handwriting analysis in the first place is because it allows me the benefit of learning about a person without them knowing I know. Similar to sizing a person up by reading their body language, graphology communicates their exact personality by giving me an open window to their personality.

As with all forms of communication, there are those traits that are positive, those that are negative and those that are considered 'enhancers', enhancing either positive or negative traits, depending on which are more prominent.

One trait in particular that I look for when I meet a person is their level of honesty. Is this person a liar or is he honest? Honesty can be determined through the letter 'o'. The letter 'o' is considered the communication letter. Not only can a person's honesty be determined but also whether that person is talkative, secretive, hiding painful information from himself (self-deceit) or lying to everybody… including himself (pathological liar).


Sample One - Self Deceit

Let's start first with self-deceit.  As its name implies, self-deceit is present when the writer consciously or subconsciously wants to avoid facing something.  The writer's present personality is negatively affected by something that he or she is currently experiencing or as a result of something from his or her past.  Regardless, it is the subconscious mind's way of correcting a bad situation by not dealing with it.  This trait is indicated by an inner loop within the letter 'o' that starts and ends on the left-hand side.  The larger this inner loop, the greater the degree of self-deceit.

Sample 1 was written by a female from Georgia.  She leads a very normal existence, no different from you or I, and yet self-deceit is evident in her handwriting.  Although it is not shown in the sample, there were also signs throughout her handwriting that showed she was 'stuck in the past.'

What this means is something didn't happen that she wished did happen, or it did happen and she wished it didn't happen.  In any event, she is unable to get over this and her present behavior is the way it is because of her inability to get past this event. To make matters worse, she will never be able to get past it because she is deceiving herself into thinking it never occurred in the first place. Self-deceit can be compared to carrying an invisible weight on your back; it's a tremendous burden but you don't even know it's there.

When the inner loop is on the right hand side of the o, this is considered secretive. The larger the inner loop, the greater the level of secretiveness. This trait is fairly common in that most people have a small amount of secretiveness. By itself, this is often a positive trait.  Priests, psychiatrists, and Government employees who possess security clearances are required to maintain confidentiality as part of their job.


Sample 2 - Secretiveness

It's when the level of secretiveness is larger then normal that problems begin. If the secret loop becomes overly large, the writer is then usually required to formulate elaborate stories to cover up this secret. On rare occasions when the secretiveness becomes too large, the writer may lose track of what is truth and what is lie.

A rule of thumb is that if the inner right-hand circle extends past the middle half of the circle, he or she now believes their own lies.

Sample 2 is an excellent example of secretiveness. The writer, an adult female residing in California, shows a slightly larger-than-normal level of secretiveness in the word 'noon' but it is the intense level of secretiveness in the word 'powder' that is cause for alarm. Of and by itself, without reviewing the other traits, this simply means she probably does things from time to time that she would prefer nobody knows about.


Sample 3 - Prevarication (Lying Loops)

Prevarication, or lying, then is the combination of both self-deceit and secretiveness. A person who has 'lying loops' has inner loops in the letter 'o' on both the left side and the right side. And while the other traits could be either a positive or negative trait, this trait is always negative.

Obviously, everybody lies to varying degrees everyday of their life. A man who answers 'yes' when his wife asks if she looks fat shouldn't expect to be married for long.  In this regard, lying is a necessary part of our culture.  It allows us to avoid hurting a person's feelings, it minimizes bad situations, and can serve many other positive purposes.

But, when a particular characteristic is so pronounced that it is reflected in a person's handwriting, it becomes an integral part of that person's personality.  A pathological liar will lie just for the sake of lying or because he no longer can differentiate truth from fiction.  If you meet a person who has lying loops in their handwriting, you will find that they will mix lie with truth and you will probably be unable to differentiate.

If this is their only negative trait, you are fortunate; but this is rarely ever the case.

In sample three I saved the best for last.  You'll notice some of the letter 'O's are normal with little or no inner loops at all. This is also normal in that very rarely will every letter be identical.  The absence of inner loops means that particular trait isn't always present.  Anyway, I like this one the best because in one word, we have all three traits - a rarity.  In the word 'moloho' we have self-deceit, followed by lying loops and finished off by secretiveness. This 'gem' certainly made my job more convenient when I was looking for a good example.

In closing, always keep in mind that as with any trait, it depends on which other traits are associated with it, and the amount of positive and negative traits that are combined with it, as to how pronounced the trait will be.

Mark R. Dehe is a Certified Handwriting Analyst and can be reached via e-mail or phone at: The Write Choice - Handwriting Research Center
[email protected]

P.S. The magic letter 'o' reveals how honestly you communicate.  Go to the following web page to analyze your own handwriting in under a minute.



Question: Sometimes I have lying loops and sometimes I don't.  Does that make me a bad person?

Answer: Actually the 'act' of prevarication (or lying) is a defense mechanism, not an 'evil trait.' Most people learn to lie when they are children to avoid conflict and keep from getting in trouble.  Those aren't bad outcomes. However, when we become adults, keeping that DEFENSE is often very destructive to our relationships.

So, if you see the lying loop once is a while, you 'shade the truth.' If you make HUGE inner loops all the time, you need to do some soul searching and ask yourself why the 'truth' is so scary.


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