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1. FEATURE STORY: Who loves you "baby"? 
Written by Guest Author: Michelle Dresbold

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Who loves you "baby"?

Written by
Michelle Dresbold
edited by Linda Hodges

Dear Michelle,


Enclosed is the handwriting of eight girls.  I am sending you these letters and cards to figure our which of these girls love me or don�t love me.  What else can you tell me about them?  Should I write back to all of them or get rid of some of them? 

Thank you, J.B., San Diego, CA



Dear J.B.,

 Gosh, I�d hate to be responsible for breaking up your little fan club.  Let�s take a look at the handwriting of the three gals I found most intriguing. 


First let�s look at the handwriting of Gal #1, who starts her letter with, �Dear Baby Boy�, and finishes with �Don�t make me hurt you, Baby.  Then again, I probably will.  You know you enjoy pain.  Love Bad Baby Girl�  My first clue that Gal #1 might be more than a tad strange is her doodle on the top of the page.  While the other seven gals decorate their cards and letters with hearts and flowers, this Bad Baby Girl�s doodles include vomit, dog doo, and a female skull surrounded by fire. 


Now, let�s look at Gal #2, who writes, �Here�s the bad news.  I went out, met a guy.  Anyways, we had a fling as one does.  Needless to say, I am pregnant.  I do not know what else to say. I am not seeing this guy.  I am not in love with him.  I,m going to close now, hopefully, I,ll hear from you soon, take care�   Gal #2�s punctuation tells me she�s a bit discombobulated.  For example, she places commas where there should be apostrophes, periods where there should be commas, and commas where there should be periods.  Her topsy-turvy handwriting shows me that if she knows the rules, she doesn�t care to follow them. 


And finally, Gal 3 writes, �And I lied, I did send you underwear, just to remind you of the �good girl� you left behind.�   Hmm� if her underwear is as teeny as her writing it would sure save on postage.  Often, teeny writing is a sign of shyness.  But Gal #3�s writing also has some traits that show she has a wild side. Notice how she mixes capital letters unpredictably with lower case letters (see the two different �r�s� in the word �underwear.�) This means that while usually she�s �Miss Shy Librarian,� when you least expect it she�ll become Zelda the lion tamer!

 Who loves you, baby � the darkly dangerous �Bad Baby Girl,� the discombobulated pregnant rule-breaker, or the �good girl� with a wild side and a bare behind?  Their handwriting and my gut tells me they�re all crazy about you.  Who�s more crazy? That�s hard to say.


To write back or not to right back?  That is the second question.  I�d say go for it.  Write them all back.  And be sure to keep us posted on your fascinating correspondence.

Michelle Dresbold is a nationally known handwriting expert
and personality profiler. Have a personal question or problem?
Mail your handwritten letters to:

The Handwriting Doctor
P.O. Box 1161
Monroeville, PA 15146

or fax (using "fine" setting) to 1-801-905-2324.
On the Web, visit


Join us for our next Seminar Preview tele-class 

Tuesday April 24th 9 pm est/6 pm pst


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"In less than a month after changing my handwriting the way Bart suggested, things started to happen. I got rid of an abusive boyfriend, got better grades, and met my fianc�. That was six years ago. The changes have helped me accomplish two degrees and a wonderful relationship. As a bonus, it was easy."
...Christian Chrane, Dallas, TX


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--Brenda Boelhower Student, Dayton, NJ



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Handwriting University . com
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