Here are some thoughts from handwriting
experts and students worldwide...
Bart, this attachment is John Allen Muhammed's Request for Name Change.
Do NOT have the original; therefore, cannot assess pressure Writing utensil unknown Right/left handedness unknown Age of writer unknown; and MOST IMPORTANT, we do not know if this is the writing of John Muhammed or his step-son Lee Malvo.
The writing itself is more printed than cursive, supporting the writer's desire to clearly communicate while attempting to stay emotionally detached from the communication. But, as we shall see,�appearances hardly�belie reality. And�so plays out the writer's internal�conflict in its many variations, also known as the guiding image (more on that later).� One of the most prominent irregularities seen by any reader (graphologist or not) is the wide/ultra-wide spacing between the words. This writer's desire for privacy and selective association trumps much of his social considerations. Selective association almost bordering on dissociation.�� Moreover, many of the letters themselves are disconnected within the words, the printing style appearing�more favored�--- yet another indicator of emotional detachment. >From this writing, if we were to assign a character profile to the writer, it would be schizoidal, i.e., emotionally detached, compartmentalized�---�not to be confused with schizophrenic.��� As printing also slows writing speed, the writer reveals his less spontaneous, more deliberative�modus operandi. The�letter formations are�slow speed,�rounded-top,�arcade style, further demonstrating a careful, protective and form-conscious style. If we look at the slant, mostly upright with some backslant tendency, again we find further evidence of an emotionally controlled, "have-it-together" presentation. On the street, this writer�would function in a low-keyed,�pass-for-normal manner. Now consider another iregularity or two: that of slant and directional pressure. The slant appears predominantly upright throughout the body of the writing. But�within�many of the words�there�are individual letters, some of which list to the left, some to the right. This is particularly noticible in the upper and lower zones. The "spine" of the upper zone and capital letters , e.g., f,d,l,t,d,H, curve, even wiggle, from the left, from the right. Directional pressure�originates from past/mother/inner direction(left) and future/father/authority/outer direction�(right). This would suggest a�considerable level of internal turmoil generating lots of tension and anxiety in an individual conflicted by his need for day-to-day structured environment at odds with his disdain for authority. Also note the rounded quality of this fairly disconnected print/script and the "cradling" hooks�in his extra short lower zone, found in the letter "g." Some cradles are round, some angled. Again, emotional neediness, physical and sexual anxiety, and anger. Sounds like garden variety male adolescent neurosis. At this point, I might even venture this writer is not John Muhammed but his teenaged stepson. The writing is round yet rigid. Lower case letters, e.g., "d" are retraced. Lower zones are short, and clubbing is found in upper and lower zones. The writer's inhibitions are high, his adaptability low. The amount of energy reqired to "tamp" down his internal conflicts or demons -- in order to appear normal -- demands more impulse control than he can maintain. When the dam breaks, it's "rage against the machine." A final comment on the method of killing: the�random and unselective eliminating of a hapless victim a/k/a SNIPING. In the past few weeks, several prominent FBI profilers have commented that a serial killer who selects sniping as his m.o. is a killer who exercises the MOST detachment from his victim.��Think of Ted Kaczynski sending bombs through the mail, Timothy McVeigh bombing the Murrah Building, Erik Harris and Dylan Klebold open firing upon their classmates. Angry and�disaffected, their demons escaped. Remember the guiding image? Some hints: The outward structure and presentation, yet the dysrhythmia of spacing and slant within.��The rigidity vs. the roundness and cradling. The internal struggle between opposing forces and desires plays out throughout the writing. Hope this helps. Regards, Anita Beckenstein |
Bart Baggett's Analysis of DC Sniper's Handwriting: The writer's slow and round m and n humps tell me is is not overburdened with intelligence or critical thinking skills. In fact, he is kind of an indiot with low emotional IQ. He low t-bar indicates a suffering self esteem. The straight downstrokes indicate his "loner" needs and the close i-dots are the attentive to detail. The large K in the word joKe indicated defiance. Signature His signature has a few more developed traits such as a very h -stem and loopy d stem. All indicators of an over sensitivity to what other's might think. His J in John indicates a fluid thinker, which contradicts my earlier thesis of him beinga total dumb-ass. Figure 8 shapes are one piece of a good mind. I still see mal-formed m and n humps, which indicated a lack of clear thinking. BART BAGGETT |
Well, to start with ..this person is a focused individual, a concentrated thinker,
small handwriting. He shows defiance (K) . Thinks slow. Spends his time thinking,
though very persistent. If not caught, would have continued with his spree.
He has issues in the past that he's dealing with... (g-y returning to past) and wishes to stay in the past.Many T bars are crossed low ... showing low self esteem. T bar also shows a procrastinator.
Some are clubbed which show much will power.There are T bars that show self castigation,
punishing him self. Blaming himself. He's sensitive to criticism. Feels rejected.He really is not willing to listen to what any one was to say to him. He's psychotic.
Plus note how waivering his writing is from base line.. very emotional.
Also his lettering is going from BC to FA having a dual personality. He's detailed oriented
...makings of a marksman.His letters vary in size and are inconsistant, some even running into
themselves shows his irratic thought process.The ending of some of his letters showed that he was trying to be cautious
as to what to write, also as round as the letters are displays his simple mind.To sum it up so far it shows in his handwriting that he IS capable of homicide.
Please let me know how I did, Bart.
Ruthy Manning
[email protected]
From Wayne Freeman.
Wide spacing is that of someone ho sees himself aloof from society. People who write
this way are difficult to get to know...they want their "special" space.
Uneven right margin indicates impulsive moods, someone who acts and reacts unreliably.
This writing of a smart focused individual who pays get attention to detail. (i)Printing=Deception and same as spontanious actions of a middle zone dominant cursive
Subject: Fwd: the sniper sig-VERRRRY Interesting/Karen
Hi Bart,
Other than the obvious, the x appears in an
inappropriate place in the p, that means death is on
his mind. The fact that he has crossed himself out, I
would put him on a suicide watch. He did not write the
letters the young man did.
The heavy spacing in the letters indicates the boy was
being forced to write the letters. He didn't believe
in what he wrote. Second language for boy, and that
has been proven. Fear of rejection was another
motivator for that boy to pen those letters. Pretty
scared not to. Kind of reminds me of the Patty Hearst
case. Brainwashing and terror on a hostage.
[email protected]
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