Welcome Students...


From Bart Baggett
Director / Handwriting University.com

December 7th, 2001

HandwritingUniversity is the worlds' only virtual university dedicated to the growth and understanding that handwriting analysis brings to the human equation. We have students in over 17 countries and growing!

If you are a currently enrolled CERTIFICATION LEVEL STUDENT, this page is for you.

Scroll all the way down the page to see all the new features and pages for you.

We have lost contact with hundreds of our enrolled and graduated students over the years. The Internet has changed the way we communicate with our students, teach classes, and even find new students. If your e-mail has changed at least once in the last four years, we probably don't have you on any of our lists. However, this "student's insider list" is brand new. So, please take a moment to register yourself so we can make sure you are "in the know" of future seminars, new programs, and even live seminars coming to your area! Even if you think we have your e-mail or you have been receiving newsletters... this is a NEW list so please register yourself. Just fill out this form below and press submit.

Then, check out the next BIG THING... a 10 week live tele-class starting in 2002 and 20 hours of live VHS video tape that puts you in the front row. Only a few seats remain. You can read about it all at the special "Lost Tapes/ Live Seminar" Page.


Sign Up Here to be on the "Certification Student's Insider Hot List"

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Your Name:
Your Email:
Your State (two letters ie: TX, CA, etc.):
Your Comments:

What's New...

Lost Tapes and new 10-Week teleclasslost tapes image

Bart Baggett releases a new book and home study course called "The Succes Secrets of the Rich and Happy!"



Student Area

Class Schedule (To be updated, soon. Call our office for most current schedule.)

New Bulletin Board Discussion Now Open

Past Newsletters

Celebrity Handwriting Samples

On-Line Self-Test for you and your friends... Totally automated.

Grapho-Web 2.0 (Professional on-line handwriting analysis generator)

Class Notes if you are an enrolled student.


Class Material/ Handouts/ Handwriting Samples
(you will need the passcodes issued upon enrollment. If you lost them, send an email to [email protected])

Handwriting University Offices:

1-800-398-2278 / 309-694-0014.



Next tele-class: starting January, 2002.



c2002 Handwriting University. All Rights Reserved.