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We have Certified Graduates in over 17 countries. Are you next?
Imagine Earning $500-$1200 an hour Analyzing Handwriting as a Certified Handwriting Expert or just learn for Fun.
Get Certified Now through the world's most
popular certification training study course.
Learn to analyze Handwriting for fun and profit by enrolling now into Handwriting University's comprehensive Handwriting Analysis Certification Program.
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Dear Future Student,
Imagine having the power to know more about a person in the first three minutes you meet than it takes most people a lifetime to figure out. It isn't a psychic gift, it isn't even an illegal device... it is the science of handwriting analysis.
Now, you can become a certified expert in less than a year. Many people, like you, hear about handwriting analysis and are really entertained and interested, but you might have never stopped to ask how learning this tool can be used to improve every area of your life and even become a source of residual income or a new career.
We have various levels of the programs to get started in. Depending on how serious you are about mastering this science, you might choose to begin with the entire Certification Course. Naturally, some people start by ordering up a single book or watching a few introductory videos.
Remember that our courses contain much more than handwriting traits and concepts. Our faculty teach the science behind personal transformation. These processes include more than just handwriting. We teach using concepts and ideas from NLP, hypnosis, and modern psychology to help you make signficant changes in yourself and your clients.
It has been our experience that individuals who "self-teach" and never take the structured certification course never achieve any significant level of mastery or business success. There are just too many poorly written and misinformed teachers which confused the casual leaner. However, if you choose a MENTOR who is Authorized by Handwriting University to assist you in getting certified, you will learn the most scientific process for understanding personality and predicting behavoir ever assembled into a school curriculum. Before you know it, you will be walking accross that stage as a certified handwriting analyst and earning money part time!
We recommend you order one of the combination couresse, like the Standard Certification Course or Deluxe, but you can also get started in sequence by enrolling into the level 101 and 201 before you take the next step.
"If you're at the point where you want to change your life, this course is a must! You'll learn more about yourself and other people than you ever thought possible, and you'll make money in the process." - Jennifer Jeffcoat, Sales Rep, Orlando, FlLearn more about Level One Starter Kit and order now from our USA or India shipping facility.
is the most comprehensive, interactive courses available worldwide regarding personality traits, psychology, and graphological traits. Each of the 90+ traits contains an audio lecture/ description, a video lecture, or an in-depth article. Interactive in our pass-code protected members only area, this course is ONLY available online - because of the nature of the content. You must own the level 101 to order.
Upgrade from 101 now into the Level 201 online interactive dictionary.

Level 301: Certification course w/ Level 101 pictured.
Standard Handwriting Analysis Certification Course
The Level 3 package contains all the key pieces of the certification course not previously sent to you as part of Level 1 or Level 2. The photo at the right shows all the materials that will be shipped to your door, if you choose the DVD/ offline version. Level 201 is delivered online, but 101 and 301 are chocked full of easy to understand hands-on tools. In order to become "certified", you must complete reading the textbooks and other materials in Level 3 before submitting your 21 written tests for grading. There is a small exam fee for both the online and the shipped 301 home study course.
Level 401
Bart Baggett's handwriting Analsis
Professional Marketing System. Level 401 Home Study Course.
Now 100% online and instant accessable.
The Level 401 Professional Level course is sold only to enrolled "Certification level Students" and contains all important business information to turn this fun hobby into a lucrative full or part-time income. The photo is the heafty 300+ page binder along with the audios from the classic program. However, Bart has revised the entire program and includes hours of online training and cutting edge speaker and internet marketing training.
This course is available 100% online. This course covers every possible way to make money using this skill: professional speaking, teaching, business consulting, handwriting analysis at parties, appearing on TV and radio shows, sending out press releases, and even includes full access to the Grapho Web 2.0 automated written report software (not sold seperately.) When are you ready to make money, enroll into this program. It now is shipped on DVD, CD, and many parts of the program available for instant download, too.
Learn more about Level Four Professional Marketing & Teaching Level Course
Introducing the most comprehensive & advanced handwriting analysis certification course ever published in the entire world...
Finally, You can go beyond all other handwriting courses
and become a "Master" in Personality Profiling and Grapho-Therapy.
All Through Advanced Handwriting Analysis
and become a "Master" in Personality Profiling and Grapho-Therapy.
All Through Advanced Handwriting Analysis
No matter which you choose, you will soon begin to master one of the most accurate
and insightful personality methods ever created...and it will change your life like it has changed mine. You will never look at people the same way again. You will experience that...
- You have the ability to size up people instantly.
- Your own goals, self-esteem, and confidence will grow.
- Your romantic relationships will blossom.
- Your children's behavior and grades will improve.
- You will gain "instant rapport" with just about everyone.
- People will confide in you as never before.
- You will earn $100 or more in your spare time.
There is over 100 years of research that has created this science we call handwriting analysis. Some of you have read a book on the subject, or maybe already own the Grapho-Deck. That's a great start. Naturally, there are subtle distinctions and details that can only be spotted by an expert. I'm inviting you to decide now to become an expert.
Choose which program below you would like to purchase using our secure on-line shopping cart.
Bart Baggett
President of Handwriting University.com
Call my office anytime with questions.
P.S. If you order on-line this month, you save hundreds of dollars off of our retail prices. And, all of our courses are protected by my personal One Year 100% Money Back Guarantee.
P.S.S. Either one of our Certification Courses includes "Get Started Today Instant Digital Downloads!" You will be learning minutes after you order!
Please order on-line using our secure on-line catalog.
Nathan Fox
He could have saved about 100,000 dollars with handwriting analysis.
Mr. B Baier
He helped businesses with hiring and his own relationship with his wife.
"This seminar has changed my life. It is the most efficient and effective method for personal development and for improving the quality of one's relationships."
- Ms. K Radcliffe Attorney and Mediator, Orlando, FL
"This course has been amazing! With a background in clinical research, my first reaction was to search for the evidence that this science is accurate. Upon investigation, biologically, handwriting analysis' validity makes perfect sense. Ultimately, my own personal improvement was all the proof I needed to change from skeptic to believer!"
- Deborah Mraz Clinical Research Specialist, Wilmington, NC
"I have already seen and experienced wonderful changes through grapho-therapy. People at work now seek me out as an expert in my field, and I have have many recent offers to manage important projects. All this happened in about a month from first raising my t-bar!"
- Diane McCafferty Engineer, Sandy Hook, CT
Listen to what these students of handwriting analysis have to say ...
Derrick Watkins
Graduated the course and keeps coming back for the metaphors!
Roy Dunn
Just got certified and wants to start his own business in handwriting analysis!
Read what past students say ...
I believe this is the start of a new life for me, and I have Handwriting University to thank for a jump-start in a good direction, after years of failure and poverty. This last month I made $500 (approx.) from starting a brand-new at home business. Because my business is growing by leaps and bounds, with very little effort, I am determined to make a lot more effort and kick it into high gear.
I bought your course in September, 2004, and immediately saw some self-defeating behaviors and self-esteem issues that were holding me back. It has been a real struggle to raise that pesky T-bar, but I have kept at it. It was a lot easier to get rid of the wide t & d loops. I have made some other changes and have watched my personality change with my handwriting.
As a result, I have become very confident, and positive-minded. I am becoming a 'people magnet.' They come up to me and want to get to know me. It seems as if everyone smiles at me now when I pass by. (Is it because I have a smile on my face all the time, and they are just reflecting that? I don't really know, but the change in me is very exciting.
Some very successful people have said that if you want to change your life, you have to first change yourself. I find that grapho-therapy is a very helpful tool in our arsenal to effect that change. Bravo, Bart, for giving me this tool. Thank you.

Sunny Meadows
Gresham, Oregon
Student of the Certification Level Home Study Course
"I am making a $100 an hour reading handwriting at parties, impressing those with my highly accurate assessment of them without ever having met them before! And all my knowledge comes from Bart's books, courses, and tapes. From what I learned from his "How to Analyze Your Handwriting in 10 minutes," I have been successfully reading people at both private and corporate events (as well as my friends.) People are simply amazed at what I tell them, wondering how handwriting can be so accurate. And at parties they love it, enjoy hearing about themselves, and it is a fabulous ( and VERY ACCURATE) way to analyse couples and see where they agree and where they disagree.
If you want to go further in depth in learning handwriting analyses, The Certification Course is the way to go. I am taking it now and find it fascinating because there is so much more information being presented, both in the books and through the tapes of a live course session. I know that I am getting a superior course in becoming a professionally certified handwriting analyst.
There is a great deal of depth to handwriting analysis, more than just entertainment, and for those who want to really develop their knowledge of this skill, Bart Baggett's courses without a doubt lead the way. You can be sure that you getting information that is 100 percent accurate. I feel totally confident in what I tell people about themselves using the knowledge gained from Bart Baggett's books and tapes because--you know why?--the people themselves tell me how accurate I am!!!! "
- Read Greyer, Certified Handwriting Expert
Read other real student comments here.