Video and Audio Overview I’d like to invite you to listen to the video and audio above. Then scroll down for a short lesson complete with Grapho-deck cards, handwriting samples, and video segments taken directly from our lectures. -Bart Baggett P.S. This course is now published on our new interactive course page, here: VIEW ENTIRE COURSE (It’s free) |
Once you finish the video, take the quiz here.LESSON ONEThe main function of emotional expressiveness is how someone processes their feelings. The main clue or indicating factor is the size of the handwriting and the slant. You can always learn more from our Home Study Courses about evaluating and combining traits. . SAMPLESLeftward Slant: 60 to 70% of the strokes will end up at an angle to the left of 90 degrees. People with this trait may have a hard time expressing their feelings and connecting with and trusting other people. ![]() Visit the discount page now. ![]() Right Slant: A heart-ruled person. They will be impulsive and let their emotions rule their life more than the emotionally withdrawn person (leftward slant). Concentration: Very intense, focused individuals (e.g., engineers, fighter pilots, scientists). Tiny writing can sometimes confuse the analysis based on the slant. There are traits that will offset other traits and diminish their meaning, even though those analyses are still accurate. Ambivert: Middle of the road. Not an introvert or extrovert. This person relates to both left and right slants. They will tend to make more conservative decisions. . Want to learn more? Go to Day Two. Register for free and watch all 7 Days.Go to Day 2: Intelligence and Thinking Patterns
Go to Day 2: Intelligence and Thinking Patterns BONUS MATERIAL AND SUGGESTED PROGRAMS.
©2018 by Bart A. Baggett & Handwriting University International All Rights Reserved |
My slant is ambivert … interesting!
Is there anyway that to get a volume control on you audio controls? I have my audio control at max on my computer and I still cannot hear the audio very good. I am hard of hearing and have to take my hearing aids out when I listen with earplugs. It would be more convenient is the audio file could be downloaded. The audio I’m trying to listen to is: “Slant in Handwriting”.
Interesting course I want to learn more
Thanks for free information on slants and emotions. It is interesting.
I have a MA in Counseling degree and am very interested in handwriting analysis. However, I wonder about the relevancy it has, today, with so many people texting, using the keyboard, etc., and not using handwriting much, anymore. Some schools are even talking about not teaching cursive anymore because, in the computer age, it is becoming obsolete. What do you think?
Elizabeth Jesse
Hi Elizabeth, see this article –
WOW! My slant turn out to be concentration!
Thanks for free information on slants and emotions.
It is interesting.
good day sir,
iam from india, i did 2 days class at bangalore. i did not find logic in many explaination. How do you justify scientifically about the slant of handwriting define persons emotional level? can you?
Swamy MK, I would like to respond to your inquiry concerning the scientific validation of handwriting in determining emotions/personality. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), as well as other law enforcement agencies around the world, use graphology to measure the emotional stability in witnesses, victims, applicants and suspects. The writing, even if it is only a signature, of a subject is fairly standard throughout one’s life. A heavily emotional event will change the subject’s handwriting, either markedly or minutely – but, there is always a change. So, viewing samples from before the event and comparing them to a sample taken soon after the event (or sometimes long after the event in the case of the victim of a violent crime which marks the subject for life) will show those differences. The statistical probability of those changes does show that the general outline of emotions/personality in the changes in size and slant (there are other changes as well, but, this lesson deals with these two facets of analysis) are indeed accurate in a good portion of the population. Although there may be ways to manipulate the results, if the sample taker uses proper protocol to collect the evidence then the results are extremely accurate. The actual scientific explanation seems to be the fact that those who write in English are taught to write from the Left to the right. Honest, emotional, open, outgoing individuals will naturally slant forward as they are trying to express the feelings that rule their inner-self. Thus, introverts who do not naturally share their inner-self naturally pull back (use a backward slant) showing that they are attempting to hold those thoughts inside as is their nature. I hope this explains the subject a bit. (by the way – I am a member, not an employee of Handwriting University. It just so happens that this subject is one that I have studied privately for many years….)
I’m not understanding Bart’s take on this slant issue at all. What he calls an ambivert–or, in my understanding, Ground Zero between intro- and extroverts–is considered extroverted slant in 99.9% of handwriting books. Why would the ambivert not be the vertical writer–one who is inclined toward neither the introverted size (left) nor the extroverted side (right)? It would seem that the vertical writer would be far more comprehensive of the balance between intro-/extroversion than the so-called “ambivert” who is clearly given toward rightward, hence emotional, hence extroverted expression. ??
*introverted siDe, not size
Its very informative, i was waiting for.
Thank you for this
To: KatherinewithaK
Our slant system is exactly the same as Milton Bunker’s textbooks. So, I’m not sure what other handwriting books you are referring too.. but in 25 plus years, this emotional gauge has been highly accurate. I have noticed that getting the measurement correct escapes about 50% of the students who don’t spend the time working through the detailed dot, line, measure process . Beginner’s want to just “eyeball it”, but it just doesn’t work that way.
Secondly, the CD slant really does match the Ambivert definition. She struggles with emotional input and logical input, whereas the AB slant finds it easy to ignore emotions for login and DE finds it easy to ignore logic for emotion.
I think this chart is 100% accurate, if you learn to measure correct. (Detailed instructions are in chapter 3 of the Level 101 course.
i find the information as very important and interesting. my test came out pretty accurate.
I am a DE slant and the only thing that isn’t correct at all about me is that I am not a salesperson…I wouldn’t be good at it and I would hate it!
Lynn. Sales is a skill set which extroverts are attracted to because they get to interact with people versus machines. However, if a person has any fear or rejection or fear of criticism… they will be never develop good sales skills and view that career as terrifying.
I would assume you like people, but hate rejection. That slant is only step one in the analysis.
Bartbaggett39, you got it on the nail head…like people (most of them and some maybe not), but yes hate rejection…who doesn’t? Thanks for your response. I have been looking at this handwriting stuff because a man I like and have been kind of seeing asked me to write a paragraph for him last month. He uses this site…I don’t know if he is just using the free courses or if he is using the paid courses (probably the paid ones). I was afraid this stuff was going to say a lot of bad things about me even though I know I am a good decent person. I always knew they used handwriting analysis for forgery, but never knew it revealed personality. I was kind of freaked out wondering what the analysis would say about me. I wondered if it was going to indicate I was a liar even though I am one of the most honest people in the world. So, I investigated it. It indicated I am brutally honest and candid. That is true, but I am tactful as well. Basically, I worried that this system would misrepresent me and the man I like wouldn’t like me anymore. He doesn’t know everything about me yet. I didn’t want something misrepresenting me to somebody that matters. Also, I don’t have any of the five hell traits. This program is winning points with me especially when you listed “need of challenge” and “anger at the opposite sex” as one of the five hell traits. It is a hell trait indeed! I know that a few men aren’t like that, but there are a lot of them that need a challenge and want to play games. I absolutely hate it. If a man needs a challenge, he should go somewhere else to find it and not expect me to fulfill it. There are a lot of things in this life that don’t come easy and you don’t have to go very far to find a challenge.
Hi i didn’t understand what is AB,BC,CD,BA…can u explain me in details.
Hi Deepa…the emotional gauge that comes with the 101 course is used to measure the slant. The 101 course also explains how to measure slant.
hie sir can any one can me about FD,AB,BC,CD,DE,E+ slant full forms it will helpful to me
Whoah, so far so good. I am so grateful that this is a free bit of handwriting analysis. I have always wanted to study this. But I’m surprised that I am not showing introverted (backward slant) handwriting. Mine is small if printing but bigger if using cursive writing and a forward slant.
I do not agree with this Handwriting Wizard. A wizard is something out of witchcraft and all those witchcraft symbols on the cape does prove it. I do not want to click onto it, is there another way to self-test my handwriting?
As was already explained, look at the chart, at the very start of this page, showing the varying slants and what they mean to find what FA, AB, BC, CD, DE and E+ are.
I have found the slant determination as important as any of the analyzing of the handwriting as it shows me the persons emotionality. Of course all is important as a tool but getting this slant down is quite important and yes I do believe as some of the students replied that a lot of the students do not take enough time in determing this evaluation and eyeball it causing it to be incorrect.
How about writing in boxlike shapes?
Very interesting and thought provoking!
How do you determine the emotional responsiveness through handwriting if/when a person has multiple styles of writing? For instance, my printing slants slightly to the left but I can decide of whim to slant to the right and it takes a new style but also looks just as natural. The same is true of my cursive.
I have also met people who typically write in all caps without a slant for personal notes but then have a signature that slants to the right.
Which is the person’s “true” personality?
Good information
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Hi Barret
I am very interested in doing handwriting analysis. Just asking u, r v sending any study material for us. U r little bit fast and soft. Thanks Roshan