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Are You Too Sensitive to Criticism? Written by: Bart Baggett Can you handle a little honest feedback? The loops in certain letters in your handwriting reveal how sensitive you really are to criticism. The size of the loop in the stem of the letter 'd' eveals how sensitive someone is to personal criticism. Take a look at the lower case 'd.' If it is huge like an inflated balloon - you had better be careful with your words. A narrow stem with no loop means the person doesn't exaggerate or imagine other people's critical thoughts. The bigger the loop - the more intense the fear of criticism. Watch out for huge balloon-like 'd' loops. These people usually imagine untrue motivations from those around them, and eventually turn on them. In a phrase: words hurt. What people say or what we think they think can hurt worse than sticks or stones. This is one of the most common of emotional roadblocks. The analogy I like to use is this. Imagine you have an open wound on your arm. You would most likely create a bandage, a sling, or simply be very careful not to expose it to any of the elements. One grain of salt could really cause a lot of pain. People's negative thoughts or negative comments are like grains of salt being shoved into that open wound. When this occurs, you can't help but react. People react by running away or fighting back. People with large loops in their lower case d-stem are very sensitive. You must watch these people carefully, as they are often irrational in their assessments of criticism. The best-case scenario is that I don't have a loop in my 'd.' It doesn't bother me if you laugh at my butt or tell me I walk funny. What if the wound on your arm spontaneously healed? No matter how much salt I threw at you, you would feel no pain. Re-Tracing The D-Loop Is Like Healing An Open Wound. Does fear of criticism make a person bad? No. Does it make for a bad employee? Not necessarily. It does make us have strained relationships with those around us. Other people have to walk on eggshells around a d-loop person's sensitive feelings. I would go so far as to say a very large balloon shaped d-loop is usually a big negative. A large fear of criticism usually causes the person to lean on his defense mechanisms to handle the imaginary pain he feels. Do you have a loop in the lowercase 'd'? A totally retraced short d-stem means that you don't give a hoot about what people think about you. You can still have compassion without being irrational and without feeling the emotional pain. If you have big loops in the 'd' or 't' - and you are tired of feeling unnecessary emotional pain - retrace the letters and make it a habit. Changing your handwriting to change your personality characteristics is called grapho-therapy, and it works. I changed the way I looped my 'd' when I was just fourteen years old. It made a huge difference. And, as a bonus - my sarcasm that used to hurt people's feelings turned to wit. When you aren't as sensitive, there is no need to lash out Resource for Grapho-therapy: Portions of this newsletter were taken from my book, Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy. Visit this website to get the book, and my complete life changing Frequently Asked Questions: QUESTION: Is handwriting analysis an invasion of privacy? ANSWER: No, but it could make someone feel a little naked. Seriously,
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