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Should Bella date this Fella?

Written by Michelle Dresbold
edited by Linda Hodges

Dear Michelle,

I just love your column and tried to do a little analyzing on my own. I am enclosing a handwriting sample from this fella who wants to date me. The thing is, there is so much in his handwriting that scares me. I would like to have a professional opinion. You know what they say -- a fool with a little knowledge is dangerous!

 Your fan, Bella, Valparaiso, Indiana

This writer's downward slanted t-bars show he likes to dominate & take control.


So, my dear Bella, you're wondering if dating this 'fella' might be heaven or 'hell-a.' Let's look at his handwriting, and see what we can tell ya.

There are traits in this fella's handwriting that scare me, too. 

First, did you notice the way he crosses his 't's?' His horizontal 't' bar crossings slant downward. People whose 't' bars go downhill like to dominate and take control.

What about his lower zone? The lower zone, the bottom loops of the letters 'f', 'g', 'j', 'p' 'q' and 'y', correlates to a person's physical or sexual area. Did you notice that his lower loops end with either a little claw-like stroke or a reversed loop? Reversed loops usually appear in the handwriting of people who have confusion in their sexual area. Claws sometime appear in the writing of people who have arthritis, but when claws appear in the lower zone, they usually indicate that the writer has sexual guilt or aggression. So, unless this guy's got very stiff fingers, I'd say you better start lacing your running shoes!

Being single myself, I make it a point to check out the handwriting of every guy I date. In the past, there have been a few times when I thought: 'I know his handwriting has red flags, but he seems so nice. Maybe this time the handwriting is wrong'' But, alas, the handwriting was always right.

In the fairy tale, if the shoe fits, it's got to be Cinderella. In this case, with so many red flags in the handwriting of this particular fella, experience tells me that he's a poor match for a sweet, wonderful reader like Bella.

Michelle Dresbold is a nationally known handwriting expert
and personality profiler.



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