Frequently Asked Questions
About Handwriting Analysis
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Many thanks to all of our visitors and students who have e-mailed, faxed or called with inquiries about Handwriting Analysis! Our most commonly asked questions are answered here.
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- What is handwriting analysis?
- Do the terms graphology, handwriting analysis, and Grapho analysis mean the same thing?
- What can be told about a person from his handwriting?
- What can one NOT tell from handwriting analysis?
- How does handwriting reveal personality?
- How accurate is handwriting analysis?
- How old is handwriting analysis?
- Is handwriting analysis a science or an art?
- Who uses handwriting analysis?
- What about people who print?
- What about people who have a combination of both printing and cursive?
- Why does my handwriting change from day to day?
- What can be told from a person’s signature?
- My signature is illegible. What does that mean?
- Why is my signature different than how I write everything else?
- Do you analyze the writing of a left-handed person the same as a right-handed person?

- Why do left-handed people slant their letters backwards?
- Are there “good” and “bad” traits?
- Is handwriting analysis an invasion of privacy?
- How prevalent is handwriting analysis in companies for employee screening?
- Can handwriting reveal a person’s honesty?
- Can you tell if a person is a criminal by his handwriting?
- Why don’t people write the way they were taught in elementary school?
- Is handwriting analysis the same for all languages?
- Can I really change my personality by changing my handwriting?
- I have a tendency to imitate other peoples’ handwriting. What does this mean?
- If I see writing on a daily basis which is uniform and attractive, I mimic the style. Does this show a lack of personal style?
- After copying a style for a while, I can also mimic signatures. I wouldn’t say they’re perfect, but they do greatly resemble one another.
- Do police departments use the services of certified handwriting analysts?
- Are handwriting analysts used by corporations when there is a theft and they are trying to find the culprit?
- Is there ample work for a handwriting analyst, or is it very limited?
- I sometimes forget to cross my t’s and dot my i’s. What does this mean?
- I’m wondering about the correlation between handwriting analysis and the Myers-Briggs personality typing system. Are you able to identify personality type based on handwriting analysis?
- If I forwarded you by e-mail a scan of a handwriting sample, can you answer some specific questions about certain letters I have?
- One graphologist told me that if the trait is in the handwriting, then it’s a reality; another said it’s possible to carry only the trait and never act on it. Please let me know your thoughts on this.
- Do you know of any specific criminal traits in writing? If I scanned some short samples of writing and e-mailed them to you, could you look them over quickly and point out any criminal, mental illness, or anti-social identifying traits?
- When a person is writing about something they like, such as football, or a sport, or even chess or gambling, is there any way to determine if they are good at this by reading the traits?
- Can you find out what job one might excel at by graphology traits?
- Can I forward you some written samples so you can show me how to identify criminal and other important traits in social work?
- I am quite interested in your book “Change Your Handwriting Change Yourself” (sorry if wrong name) but want to know how it is different than the dozens of other books on the market.
- Some people’s handwriting looks alike. Is it really?
- How drastically will my personality change if I change my handwriting?
- What is your connection with IGAS? I completed and graduated from their basic correspondence course in Grapho-Analysis way back in 1972. Can I study with your school, or do I have to start over from the first level?
- Do you find a strong correlation between astrology and handwriting analysis and birth order?
- A: It is a scientific method of identifying, evaluating, and understanding a person’s personality via the strokes and patterns revealed by his handwriting. It is not document examining, which is when a person examines a sample of writing to determine the author. Document examining is often used in forgery cases. In document examining, no comment of character or personality is derived from the handwriting.
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A: Not in America. Although, graphology and handwriting analysis have been used for centuries to describe evaluating personality through the study of handwriting, a few distinctions have arisen in the past 50 years.
- The term handwriting analysis is the umbrella term that describes all forms and theories about understanding character from handwriting.
- The term Graphoanalysis is a trademarked term that refers to the scientific American form of handwriting analysis pioneered by Milton Bunker. Although these trait stroke methods taught by Bunker are not different from what dozens of authors around the world have published in the past 50 years, the term Graphoanalyst is used to distinguish those people who choose to associate with the company that holds the trademark.
- Also, the term graphology has come to symbolize an affiliation with the more holistic or Gestalt approach to handwriting analysis. Some graphologists disregard the trait-stroke method completely.
Most experienced analysts agree that combining the many schools of thought gives the analyst the most flexibility and resources that result in a more accurate personality assessment.
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A: Handwriting reveals hundreds of elements of the person’s “personality and character,” which include glimpses into the subconscious mind, emotional responsiveness, intellect, energy, fears and defenses, motivations, imagination, integrity, aptitudes, and even sex drives and issues of trust. There are over 100 individual traits revealed and an unlimited number of combinations.
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Q4: What can one NOT tell from handwriting analysis?
A: It cannot identify age, gender, race, religion, whether a person is right- or left-handed, or the future.
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A: Handwriting is often referred to as “brain writing.” Research scientists in the fields of neuro-science have categorized neuro-muscular movement tendencies as they are correlated with specific observable personality traits. Each personality trait is represented by a neurological brain pattern. Each neurological brain pattern produces a unique neuro-muscular movement that is the same for every person who has that personality trait. When writing, these tiny movements occur unconsciously. Each written movement or stroke reveals a specific personality trait.
Handwriting analysts identify these strokes as they appear in handwriting and describe the corresponding personality trait. Handwriting is like body language, but is more specific and is frozen for a more detailed analysis of our unconscious movements.
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A: It is only as accurate as the analyst is talented. Most professionals claim to be 85-95% accurate. Compared to other personality assessment tools and tests, handwriting analysis is sometimes more accurate and much more revealing. When answering psychological questions in person or on paper, a person may consciously or unconsciously answer according to how he thinks he should answer rather than giving an honest reply. The clinical research is divided as to the validity of handwriting analysis. Again, it depends on who you ask.
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A: Research has found references to handwriting analysis as far back as 4500 BC. In 99 AD, the Roman historian Suetonius studied Emperor Augustus’ personality from his handwriting. The first handwriting analysis book was published in 1622 by Camildo Baldo. Most pioneering research was performed before 1929 in Europe. The modern scientific method of analyzing individual strokes in handwriting began in 1915 by Milton Bunker.
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A: It is a clinical science. The Library of Congress categorized it as a credible social science in 1981. It is not a hard science like chemistry. It falls under the same category as psychology.
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A: Anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of themselves and others:
- Individuals for self-improvement: they gain a better understanding of themselves and often incorporate aspects of grapho-therapy to change bad habits.
- Single people to aid in the selection of compatible partners.
- Couples to improve current relationships through better understanding and communication.
- All people of all ages in the work force for career counseling.
- Employers for personnel selection.
- The courts for forgery and questioned documents.
- Attorneys to aid the jury selection process.
- Law enforcement in investigating evidence involving handwritten notes.
- Businesses for credit rating assistance.
- Psychologists for personality evaluation and therapy.
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A: It is a generality, but worth answering. People who print have put up a barrier to keep the world from getting to know them. They do not easily express their inner-most feelings. People who print take longer to experience intimacy and tend to have a strong external protective mental shell that is often seen as confidence.
It is estimated that over half of men in the United States prefer to print rather than write cursive. This is the same tendency that says “I’d rather sit here in pain rather than express my feelings.”
Some men learn at an early age to keep their insecure feelings hidden from the world. And yes, they do often have to print because of their messy handwriting, but the answer still applies.
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A: People that mix and match both cursive and print are quite normal. It indicates a tendency to be in a hurry and be flexible given unusual circumstances. Too much printing – or block printing – indicates a barrier to intimacy and inability to express feelings.
Mixing printing and cursive really isn’t an unusual event. In fact, it is so common that taken by itself, it’s meaning is not terribly significant. We must look at the rest of the writing.
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Q12: Why does my handwriting change from day to day?
A: Certain strokes represent emotions and moods. As your feelings and moods change from minute to minute, those corresponding particular strokes will change. However, the basic character-defining traits will remain the same. And, if you “really” have a total variation in handwriting styles, you are one moody person and should cut down on the sugar snacks.
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A: The signature represents what a person wants the world to see or what he wants to be, an image that may or may not be the same as the inner self. Because a signature contains only a few letters, it does not provide enough information for the analyst to make a complete and accurate evaluation.
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A: It means people have a hard time reading your name. Seriously, illegible handwriting can mean a number of things. In general, an illegible signature reveals a desire to be seen but not known, keeping things private.
You may want to keep your true identity hidden. It could also mean you are in a hurry. People who continually sign their name all day long often do so in a hurry and, therefore, don’t care what their signature looks like. Illegible handwriting in combination with other specific traits may indicate dishonesty, but there are a lot of variables.
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Q15: Why is my signature different than how I write everything else?
A: Because the signature is a badge to the world. It is a representation of what a person wants the world to see about himself. A signature that is different from the rest of his writing says he does not want to reveal everything about himself. There may be some aspect of his personality that he wants to hide, so he creates a new “person” by creating a signature with a different look.
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A: Yes. Whether a person writes with the right or left hand, the traits revealed will be the same. Even people that have learned to write with their mouth or foot, due to amputations of their limbs, reveal the same information from their “brain writing.”
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A: The question contains an invalid presupposition… not all left-handed people slant backwards.
Although many left-handed people have a leftward slant to their writing, it is not because they are left-handed. Many right-handed people have writing that slants to the left, and many left-handed people slant their writing to the right. Handwriting that slants to the left, or backward, indicates a person who does not readily express his feelings. He keeps his emotions hidden and reacts to the world around him in a reserved and logical manner. People who have experienced a traumatic event in their life or a severe illness often pull their handwriting to the left because they turn their thoughts and feelings inward.
Often, left-handed people experience emotional pain because they feel “different” being in a world that is primarily right-handed. Teachers or parents may have tried to force them to write with their right hand which produced emotional trauma that caused them to turn inward resulting in a leftward slant in their handwriting.
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A: Traits are neither “good” nor “bad” in themselves. They just “are.” Our judgment of whether or not the trait is useful in a given situation makes us label these traits “good” or “bad.” However, each trait can have both negative and positive features depending on how the trait manifests itself in behavior as it combines with other aspects of one’s personality. Handwriting analysis does not judge or label. It serves to identify and understand aspects of personality and behavior.
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Q19: Is handwriting analysis an invasion of privacy?
A: No, but it could make someone feel a little naked. Seriously, the Supreme Court, in 1977, “United States v. Sydney Rosinsky” (FRP249), ruled: “What someone’s handwriting looks like is considered public information — similar to, for example, how someone dresses or their body language, and the psychological analysis that can be extracted from the information is not considered an invasion of privacy.”
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A: Since the outlawing of the lie detector test (polygraph machine) as a prospective employee screening tool in the United States in 1988, the use of handwriting analysis has been on the rise as part of the hiring process.
Although the US has been slower than Europe to accept handwriting analysis, it is now growing in popularity by major corporations. In France, Spain, Holland and Israel, approximately 80% of companies use handwriting analysis for analyzing potential employees according to a 1988 report by “The Wall Street Journal.” Research in England shows that approximately 7.9% of English companies use handwriting analysis.
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A: There is no single trait that indicates honesty. However, there are several traits that, when present in certain combinations with each other and with other traits, can give us clues about a person’s integrity. There are also traits that indicate talkativeness, secretiveness, and deceit. As anyone who has ever been to court will testify, ethics are a very subjective thing, so the trait of “honesty” has many factors that it depends upon.
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A: No, by definition a person isn’t a criminal until he has been convicted of a crime.
A combination of certain traits can warn of possible criminal tendencies, but handwriting cannot reveal whether a person has or will commit a crime. You can make an educated guess about the person’s likelihood to obey the rules, become gullible, aggressive, or even steal… but you can’t be definitive about his criminal bent.
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Q23: Why don’t people write the way they were taught in elementary school?
A: Some people do, just look at your local third grade teacher. As children grow and mature, their handwriting changes and becomes a unique representation of their individual personality characteristics. The more a person’s writing varies from the model they were taught, the more their morals and attitudes move away from the conventional model of the world they were taught as kids.
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A: It depends on the alphabet. The strokes that are relevant in a Latin-based language are well researched and widely taught. Therefore, all Latin-based languages such as English, Spanish, Italian, French, etc. are fair game. However, many languages have completely different alphabets and, therefore, different analysis techniques.
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A: Grapho-Therapy is one of the most modern and effective behavioral modification tools available today. It works for two reasons. First, neuro-muscular connections have a direct impact on the neuro-pathways to the brain that hold patterns of behavior. Secondly, it gives the subject a clear and visual representation of the change she is making on a daily basis… reinforcing the belief system and cementing the change in behavior consciously and unconsciously.
A: It could mean you admire and model other people… a good trait as long as you pick good people to model… make sure they don’t have any hell traits.
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A: Not necessarily a lack of personal style, but the attraction to uniform and attractive writing reveals a need for security, possible conservative tendency, and maybe even an “anal retentive” need for control and perfectionism.
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Q28: After copying a style for a while, I can also mimic signatures. I wouldn’t say they’re perfect, but they do greatly resemble one another.
A: As far as the signatures go… it will be useful in forging documents… at least you’re not a criminal…
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A: Police Departments use forensics specialists to determine the true identity of ransom notes and other handwritten evidence. They hire or use in-house trained document examiners (see: However, any government agency is not going to pay as much as the private sector. You are not going to get rich working for the government.
In many homicide cases and FBI cases such as cases involving serial killers, a handwriting analyst is hired to help establish the psychological profile of the suspect if handwriting is available. The FBI has people on their staff for this purpose, with special criminal science background.
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A: Yes, but not always. You have to have a relationship with the head of security because it is also highly secretive.
Q: Are writing samples taken from each employee?
A: Yes, usually from the applications.
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A: The market is ripe, but you have to sell yourself like any business. For example, there is plenty of work for dry cleaners, but some become rich and some shut down. It’s up to you.
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Q32: I sometimes forget to cross my t’s and dot my i’s. What does this mean?
A: Forgetting to cross your t’s or dot your i’s is a sign of NOT paying attention to detail. This is also called absentmindedness. Do you know where you left your car keys?
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A: Good question. You can identify personality, that’s the whole premise behind handwriting analysis. However, the language isn’t identical to the other standard tests, which vary among themselves.
I did an informal test between the MMPI and handwriting analysis in 1989 with an outstanding result. The correlation was over 3.0, which is very high (publishable). Since it wasn’t formal, the psychologist I was working with couldn’t publish it.
There are strong correlations between the M-B and the handwriting personality styles, but I’ve never read a book that “does” the cross-correlations. I would assume if you know both test methods well, you could figure it out. Good luck.
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A: Sure, I charge $300 for up to an hour of my time analyzing handwriting, via telephone. No written report. You can hire one of our certified students for a lower price. See this site to hire someone: of Analysts
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Q35: One graphologist told me that if the trait is in the handwriting, then it’s a reality; another said it’s possible to carry only the trait and never act on it. Please let me know your thoughts on this.
A: The latter is correct. You have to weigh all the factors to predict “action,” and even then it takes timing and opportunity before someone acts on it. The traits increase the risk factor.
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A: Sure, but your money would be better spent getting the $99 course and learning the basics before speaking with me.
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A: No. You will be able to determine their level of optimism and emotional intensity for the activity, but it doesn’t really vary that much simply by a single word.
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Q38: Can you find out what job one might excel at by graphology traits?
A: Yes, it can be very helpful. It is a very common use for this science.
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A: No, you have to buy the Home Study Course for that information. I, Bart Baggett, don’t do private teaching unless you are an enrolled student in the Home Study Course. That’s the policy. And, when I do, I charge $300 per hour.
I am real interested in learning graphology for the type of work that I do (Professor, Private Education to Business Consultant-NJ Department of Education, NYC Board of Education, etc. and Career Counselor) but find it difficult to remember the small nuances and minor differences in interpretation.
I once read that nearly 80 percent of job applicants in France are screened by their handwriting; I would like to introduce this concept to HR people in the dozens of corporations I work with in the NYC-NJ area and the educators I interface with but need a better handle on things. My funds are limited and would like to know how the aforementioned book, courses you sell, etc. are different than the ones collecting dust on my shelf by folks such as Bunker, Solomon, Parker, Martin, Morgan, McNichol, etc.?
A: We can understand how difficult it is for you to discern the small nuances and differences (or make sense of it all) from one graphology and/or one grapho-therapy book from another. Not being able to tell apart the subtle nuances and differences when studying and reading graphology books (and by different authors) is quite a common experience, and certainly does add to the confusion.
Bart had the same experience and became very frustrated with traditional graphology books. That is why his material is very clear, concise, and direct. Many people think he is a trend-setter to be so bold and clear … there are a lot of confusing, poorly written books on the market and his, in my opinion, are the best.
But, you should judge for yourself. Unlike any other publisher, you have a one-year satisfaction guarantee on any product you purchase from our company … even the workbook.
The best advice I can give you is to set aside all of your other books for now (which will help to end the confusion), and simply put your trust and committed focus with one of Bart’s home study courses.
Bart’s home study courses have a proven track record, have changed countless of people’s lives (for the better), and from all over the world too. Why not try it out for yourself?
If you are interested in becoming a certified handwriting analyst or learning more about graphology, Bart has several Handwriting Analysis Certification Courses and packages to choose from. Please go to the following URL for more info on these courses. This on-line catalog also includes detailed descriptions of all of Bart’s Home Study Courses and products:
If you are interested in becoming certified and in improving your life as well, you might also be interested in the “Change Your Life In 30 Days” Workbook. It is a cutting-edge home study course using grapho-therapy. Grapho-therapy, the science of changing yourself (or changing your life) by changing your handwriting, can result in dramatic changes and improvements in your life.
To read a free Special Report on “Change Your Life In 30 Days,” go here:
So why is Bart’s “Change Your Life in 30 Days” grapho-therapy program different and better than the others? Well, the workbook is designed with the use of cutting-edge applications of grapho-therapy. For instance, while you are practicing your ideal letter stroke (by replacing it with your old and perhaps not ideal stroke), you will also be asked to answer a lot of very important questions on a daily basis that incorporates the science of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
These questions are designed to increase your self-awareness and to assist you in becoming very clear of what you want and what you would like to have changed in your life. This, in turn, reinforces the ideal letter stroke that you are practicing. Most grapho-therapy books focus only on changing one’s letter strokes, but leave it at that. But Bart’s program takes grapho-therapy several steps further than most other grapho-therapy books/courses.
Do keep in mind that the workbook “Change Your Life In 30 Days” is designed to assist you in changing your life through grapho-therapy, and is not a course in learning how to analyze handwriting (or “graphology”).
If you take the advice in this workbook, make a true blue commitment to follow and work the program on a daily basis for 30-days, the program will work for most anyone. This course is designed to be completed in 30 days, as statistically it takes 21 to 30 days to change a habit.
In the foreword and introductory sections of this workbook, Bart writes, “Our handwriting can reinforce bad habits, or we can choose to use it to modify or even eliminate them.” Through the proper use and practice of grapho-therapy, we can literally change ourselves by changing our handwriting.
Another unique feature that makes Bart stand out from the rest, is his personable, dynamic, enthusiastic, and fun approach and nature. He has a great sense of humor. Just listen to some of his audio tapes, or watch one of his videos, and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Bart’s enthusiasm, passion, and expertise in this field are inspiring and contagious, and he has made a life-long commitment to this very fascinating science.
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A: No, although general appearance may appear similar, no two people have exactly the same handwriting. Once you start analyzing the many varieties of strokes, you realize that the overall “appearance” of a handwriting sample can be deceptive and that most handwriting samples have glaring differences.
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A: This is a great question and most people couldn’t even answer this question completely because unless you’ve been in the handwriting analysis business for past 25 years, you might not know the various organizations that have come in the past three decades. So, I’ll answer this question as completely as possible, so anyone who ever had training through IGAS or read a book by Milton Bunker will understand how Handwriting University is both similar and different than IGAS.For the benefit of other readers, IGAS stands for International Grapho-Analysis Society. This was a privately held corporation which trained people in Grapho-analysis based on the work of Mr. Milton Bunker. It was founded in the early twentieth century as a correspondence course from Chicago, IL, USA. Based on my information, Mr. Bunker died in 1961 and IGAS was led from the 1960’s – 1990’s by a number of competent leaders until it eventually fell into bankruptcy and was purchased by Greg Greco in 2003. He has been attempting to revive the company to it’s glory days of the 1970’s.
To make the answer very short, Handwriting University has no direct connection with IGAS. We do not sell their books and they do not sell our books. However, one would argue that our “teachers and mentors” were all cut from the same psychological cloth and you will find competent handwriting analysts from both school’s pool of graduates.
The longer answer is that Handwriting University and IGAS have more ideals in common than differences. Handwriting University is based on the teachings of Bart Baggett and Ray Walker. Both of Bart Baggett’s mentors received training from IGAS and from Bunker’s courses. Phyllis Mattingly was one of IGAS’ top recruiters and speakers throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s. She was consistently the top person who recruited new people into IGAS and taught courses nationwide. Her philosophies are firmly based in IGAS and Milton Bunker. My first mentor Ray Walker was also trained by Peter Ferrar (President of IGAS in 1961). Mr. Walker also had additional training from a number of different handwriting organizations throughout the years. Ray Walker also had extensive training in Hypno-therapy and forensic document examination. Bunker’s teachings never explored these areas.
Mr. Milton Bunker had a similar philosophy about handwriting analysis as does the Faculty of Handwriting University: Focus on the scientific principles of handwriting analysis and help people become competent & accurately certified handwriting analysts. Both IGAS and HU utilize a similar “emotional gauge” which features FA, AB, and E+ slant categories. Also, both schools work from the individual strokes up to trait stacking and evaluation of strokes.
The above similarities being stated, Handwriting University has really taken what Milton Bunker wrote in the 1950’s and brought handwriting analysis into the 21st century. Our courses actually go into massive detail on “Grapho-therapy” and “personal transformation.” Grapho-therapy is the idea that “you change your handwriting and change your life.” Based on my conversations with Phyllis Mattingly in 1991, she said “We don’t teach changing handwriting, we only diagnose.” If this opinion has changed in the past 20 years, I am unaware of it.
I have never read any of Milton Bunker’s writings which touch on “Grapho-Therapy.” I think the reason he never touched on it was because he basically stopped teaching and writing before the many breakthroughs which have led to a profound change in the landscape of psychology and personal development from 1961-2012. When I worked with Phyllis Mattingly, she simply stated her job was to “analyze a person through his handwriting, not to change that person’s flaws.” Handwriting University believes that we can make a difference and we can offer tools and techniques that allow people to transform their own and others’ lives through handwriting. Handwriting University also published lectures and courses on NLP, Hypnosis, and relationships.
For example, the field of NLP and the breakthroughs of Milton Erickson were not published until the late 1970’s. Some of the wonderful neuro brain science that has occurred in the last 10 years (such as brain scans and imagery), he had no knowledge of. There really is scientific evidence now that connects handwriting with brain writing and thus Handwriting University’s philosophy is not to just reteach handwriting ideas from the 1950s. Handwriting University’s philosophy is to analyze handwriting and help people transform their lives and others’ using this skill. So if you want to learn more from Handwriting University if you are already certified through IGAS in their basic course, you can go ahead and jump into one of Handwriting University’s advanced courses. We will not issue a new certification but you can probably get a deep discount on the 301 course and testing fees. The problem is you probably wouldn’t pass the final exam, because IGAS didn’t cover all the new information such as success secrets, grapho-therapy, relationship theory, the philosophies on how to be wealthy. It didn’t cover grapho-therapy and is really light in the sex drives and relationships category.
In fact, if you read Bunker’s writings about certain traits, he identifies clannishness as a sign of homo-sexuality. This might have been an accurate symptom of this life-style choice in 1955, but this is clearly not true in 2012’s America urban society.) One has to consider the dates and culture of the author when reading any literature. Really , out of respect for the conservative values of the American society in the 1960’s, people were reluctant to openly discuss sexuality or alternative lifestyles. It was also rare to find compelling literature on mental perversions such as criminal behavior. Now, these perversions fill the network TV prime time line up nightly.
So, if you have an IGAS background, we welcome you to our community. It is a great question to ask about how the two schools are different. Handwriting University welcome’s all students with open arms. We do find that people that have no prior experience or training usually excel in our home study course. The people that have IGAS training also do great in our course and find the many similar vocabulary words and ideas an “easy transition” to the higher levels.
The only people that struggle with Handwriting University’s curriculum are those who studied a handwriting philosophy with completely different foundations (such as the German Gestalt graphology or Mumbai/Pune Indian graphology).
We find most book store books are not well refined, researched, or tend to include non-documented traits and personality issues… which confuse the students.
These students tend to struggle because they can’t easily forget the incorrect data that they learned. As the Asian wise man once said, “it is impossible to fill a tea cup, when the cup is already full.” Imagine trying to learn a new language, but you were taught 100 incorrect vocabulary words which you cannot easily forget. The learning is harder.
Most people don’t have the ability to distinguish what part of their belief system is false or incorrect. So, the teacher must spend quite a bit of time “un-teaching” the student who has false information to avoid massive confusion or resistance in the form of stubbornness.
For example, once a person learns the basics of a language, he will continue to use the same dialect or continue to make the same linguistic mistakes for quite a long time, unless they have extensive “language training” to undo the errors they picked up the first few years.
Handwriting analysis is no different. If you believe that a T-bar crossed low means good self-esteem it takes a while to unlearn that incorrect fact to then relearn a more scientific basis.
Handwriting University has about 99 primary traits we cover in the basic course and about 50 – 60 more in the mastery level course. There are some books that will promise to teach you 500 personality traits in handwriting. We’ve found that those 500 personality traits are not 100 percent accurate all the time. So we’ve whittled it down to the most accurate Primary personality traits and then teach you those and focus on trait stacking.
I hope this answered your question. We’d love for you to learn more.
The Advanced Mastery Course which is probably the course where you will really learn some “brand new concepts”. However, the 301 Certification Course contains extensive information on Grapho-therapy and the book Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy is full of ideas and applications for handwriting analysis in the personal development world.
If you call the office, our staff will extend a substantial discount because you’re already certified through IGAS. But you’ll want to retake and at least listen to the MP3 files of the Certification Level lectures to get an updated version of what’s current as it’s been over 40 years since you’ve certified… so a lot has changed. I’m sure you’re still very, very good at what you did learn but I think you’ll find the distinctions and the additions which we’ve added to Milton Bunker’s work quite extraordinary. If you have any questions feel free to contact our office.
My name is Bart Baggett president Handwriting University and all of our staff here at Handwriting University is very competent and we encourage you to join our community. Thank you.
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A: This is a very popular question because so many people in the world follow astrology to help dictate their lives. Now I’m personally not one of them. I’m not a strong believer. I’m not a strong hater. I actually have no strong opinion about astrology except that I haven’t done the research to really know all the personality traits that they claim to have. However I will say that your question is an important question because essentially you’re asking does handwriting analysis reveal the same things as other popular or accepted personality tests and the answer is yes/sometimes. And the sometimes is as follows. All of the tests that are accepted and popular usually have some valid and accurate attributes to them. That doesn’t mean all of them are accurate. In fact some are much more accurate than others. There are even different versions of handwriting analysis that are very scientific and some that I would crawl up in a ball and cry if people thought I was involved with. So the answer to your question is there’s lots of research that cross-correlates different personality tests. I know of two individuals who have done cross-correlations between scientific handwriting analysis and the Myers Briggs, which is the most popular personality test used in the human resources industry here in the United States. Now most people say, “Bart, I’d love to see those studies.” I don’t think I can show them to you because they’ve never been published in a professional paper or an organization but based on my conservation with people that had them it is my belief that the correlation was highly, highly relevant which means that both tests are good in what they test for.
But you have to realize that not every exam tests for the same aspects of it and even when they do test the same aspects of it you have to understand what the definition is. What’s your definition of introversion? What’s your definition of stubbornness? What’s your definition of secretiveness or anti-social? If your definition varies from the definition of the person who created the test whether it’s Myers Briggs, MMPI, astrology or handwriting analysis then the correlation is going to be weak.
Now your question about birth order is of the same thing. There is research that says individuals that have a certain birth order tend to have certain personality traits based on the condition of their upbringing. One of the ones that comes to mind is if you’re the first born you tend to have a more serious temperament than your siblings and you also tend to have more leadership qualities than yours siblings. However clearly that’s not always true and when things aren’t always true I put a big question mark above them because then it becomes a sociological pattern which can be useful and insightful but it’s not a predictable personality scientific trait and handwriting analysis at least the way I teach it and Hannover University teaches it is we want to be accurate, scientific and then when we’re predicting future behavior can tell you specifically why that is true and in what context that would probably be true.
Things like leadership because of birth order are relatively useless in the day?to-day activities because you’re not going to hire somebody because they’re the first or last birth order. I believe I saw a research that said sense of humor is most common among the youngest of the children and you can argue for ages on why that is but apparently it’s the need and desire to get attention or the desire to make peace with the family. Lots of my comedian friends are the youngest but that also doesn’t mean they can’t also be leaders and they can’t be successful in their field. While it’s interesting to contrast handwriting analysis with other modalities it’s probably better to take the science of handwriting analysis and use it for what it is and use it for its strengths. Take the science and the mechanism of Myers Briggs and use that and then if you’re into astrology use that for whatever function you have, but I don’t know that there’s any scientific proof there’s a cross-correlation with people that are born in April because they’re Taurus. Does that mean that they’re more stubborn? That’s what most of the astrology books say however you would just have to simply look at the writing and see if stubbornness shows up which is a very easy primary trait. So if that’s the scientific survey you want to do we’d love to publish it.
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