Analyze this Beautiful Mind – John Nash 1955 handwriting sample

John Nash handwriting Sample (A beautiful Mind) A hand written letter by John Nash in 1955 to the NSA. Please login and start analyzing this handwriting sample. Your analysis insights and observations help other handwriting students around the world learn.

The National Security Agency (NSA) has recently declassified an amazing letter that John Nash sent to it in 1955.  It seems that around the year 1950 Nash tried to interest some US security organizations (the NSA itself was only formally formed only in 1952) in an encryption machine of his design, but they did not seem to be interested.


  1. It appears he was optimistic, despite the NSA not getting on board with his ideas of an encryption machine.

    What do you see in his handwriting?

  2. John Ash’s writing is a man who is subject to the appeals of the heart but when making decisions he is logical. He is analytical and is a surface investigator, despite this he will rarely admit that he is wrong, and is braced to his own ideas. He doesn’t want to be confused with the facts after he has made up his mind. He is curious and determined. He has a fear of failure and change, thus sets goals with low risk. He remains in bad situations much too long and finds imperfections with himself. He is rarely successful in his own eyes. He seems to have good listening skills, and honest, yet on occasion would like to talk. He likes his alone times…personal space is important to him. He desires to acquire both material things and information and to hold on to what is his. He is trying to control some area of his life. He is a flexible person… and is capable of putting himself into others shoes…therefore is able to feel just as comfortable talking with and introvert as he would with an extrovert. He seems to have a lot on his mind and is not very attentive to the details of life. I’m sure I would feel comfortable in his presence because I know he would not be judging me. He would more likely want to know my view point and how he could use it to better his world.

  3. Probably the best mind since Einstein, this sample is before John Nash went head long into schizophrenia. Like many gifted people I have met (he just mumbled a lot and then ran away), they tend to be shorted in other areas, mostly in interpersonal relations. Many think that his wife’s pregnancy sent him over the edge. I would love to get a sample after this to compare. One more sample after he went on psychotropic drugs would be great as a comparison although he later quit taking them in 1970 and never started again.
    Interesting his youngest son suffered at an early age also with schizophrenia. This opens examining parent’s handwriting to forensically determine if illnesses like this are passed along when the parents are long gone.
    Since there is so much material about him, what a great sample to analyze and then see how it matches will the huge amount of video documentaries there are on him.

  4. Hmmm…would he judge me…he is stubborn…are stubborn people judgmental? No…He is a surface investigator and gathers information from other sources and makes his opinions…once he makes his mind up don’t try to change it…because he won’t….until he decides too!

  5. So I totally analyzed this guy wrong…that’s scary….Hmmm

  6. He is an analytical person who comprehensively takes time to go over issues, with double personality of out-going and sometimes indrawn to his own world with very good self image and rarely pays attention to details of all that he undertakes, and there is some element of recklessness in his life. To sum up he is an interesting person to deal with as he can balance equally among introverts and extroverts…

  7. Has a tendency to give out. i.e he is generous.It is like giving of one’s self for the sake of others.Very future oriented person not attached to the past.

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