Celebrity handwriting analysis. Angelina Jolie’s is not pretty.

I’ll admit it….

I’m curious about celebrities too.

When I’m at the grocery store, I can’t help but read about Lindsey

Lohan’s latest stint in rehab or Brittany Spears new haircut… or baldness.

It makes me wonder what their handwriting is really like: so I can get

an accurate snapshot of a big time celebrities’ real life.

It took 4 months to dig up these RARE handwriting samples,

but we got them.

Lindsey Lohan

Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt

Brittany Spears

Jennifer Aniston

Tom Cruise

Katie Holmes

My favorite is Angelina Jolie…

Whew, talk about stubborn and determined!

Star Magazine helped me out and we both get to see never before

handwriting published of some of your favorite celebrities…

complete with my analysis.

You can grab it at the newsstand, or read it online, right now

on our “newsletter” page website:

See Bart’s Analysis and full newsletter here.

(This week’s online newsletter and Star magazine clipping.)

When the reporter at STAR MAGAZINE contacted me a few months ago, I

was excited to help give some true insights into the big celebrity personalities

of the day. But, I insisted that in order to be ACCURATE, she must provide a

solid handwritten sample, not just a signature.

I thought the story was dead, until recently she called back and said she’d

spent the past four months digging, searching, and pulling in favors to get

very RARE handwriting samples of today’s hottest celebrities.

The article that appears in this week’s issue of Star magazine only covers a

FEW traits which I spotted from their handwriting. So, enjoy this article and

STAY TUNED for a very very detailed analysis of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt,

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, and a few

other Celebrities we couldn’t print due to lack of space.

Just make sure you are a member of our new “members only ”

website to insure you don’t miss an issue and my detailed analysis


(A few day’s remain for the No Charge Sneak Peak.)

Bart Baggett


The World’s Most Popular Handwriting Website

Remember that now is the perfect time to order the Certification Level Home

Study Course because we are about to transition to all-internet delivery and many

of the DVD and CD sets will be “gone” once they sell out. So, don’t delay and ask

Maryann to extend to you the five month financing a few students are

getting because they got started in July. (We’ve already sold out of the

Advanced Level 5 DVDs.)

*** View Today’s Newsletter online with Celebrity handwriting samples ******
HandwritingUniversity.com / Myhandwriting.com / HandwritingAnalysis.org

———— text version ————-

FYI, in case you missed it…

I’ll admit it….
I’m curious about celebrities too.

When I’m at the grocery store, I can’t help but read about Lindsey
Lohan’s latest stint in rehab or Brittany Spears new haircut… or baldness.
It makes me wonder what their handwriting is really like: so I can get
an accurate snapshot of a big time celebrities’ real life.
It took 4 months to dig up these RARE handwriting samples,
but we got them.

Lindsey Lohan
Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt
Brittany Spears
Jennifer Aniston
Tom Cruise
Katie Holmes

My favorite is Angelina Jolie…
Whew, talk about stubborn and determined!
Star Magazine helped me out and we both get to see never before
handwriting published of some of your favorite celebrities…
complete with my analysis.

You can grab it at the newsstand, or read it online, right now
on our “newsletter” page website:


See Bart’s Analysis and full newsletter here.

(This week’s online newsletter and Star magazine clipping.)

When the reporter at STAR MAGAZINE contacted me a few months ago, I
was excited to help give some true insights into the big celebrity personalities
of the day. But, I insisted that in order to be ACCURATE, she must provide a
solid handwritten sample, not just a signature.

I thought the story was dead, until recently she called back and said she’d
spent the past four months digging, searching, and pulling in favors to get
very RARE handwriting samples of today’s hottest celebrities.

The article that appears in this week’s issue of Star magazine only covers a
FEW traits which I spotted from their handwriting. So, enjoy this article and
STAY TUNED for a very very detailed analysis of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt,
Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, and a few
other Celebrities we couldn’t print due to lack of space.

Just make sure you are a member of our new “members only ”
website to insure you don’t miss an issue and my detailed analysis


(A few day’s remain for the No Charge Sneak Peak.)

Bart Baggett
The World’s Most Popular Handwriting Website
Remember that now is the perfect time to order the Certification Level Home
Study Course because we are about to transition to all-internet delivery and many
of the DVD and CD sets will be “gone” once they sell out. So, don’t delay and ask
Maryann to extend to you the five month financing a few students are
getting because they got started in July. (We’ve already sold out of the
Advanced Level 5 DVDs.)


*** View Today’s Newsletter online with Celebrity handwriting samples ******


HandwritingUniversity.com / Myhandwriting.com / HandwritingAnalysis.org

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Visit the discount page now.

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