This is Bart Baggett, president of Handwriting University, with an amazingly interesting handwriting analysis samples that I want you to apply your skills to. Now, in all fairness, as I was given this handwriting sample, I was told some back-story of this individual. I don’t like having the back-story because I didn’t want my analysis to be slanted good or bad. However in all fairness because I was told this person was a convicted murderer of three women, it was difficult not to automatically look for the bad things in this person’s handwriting. There have been books written about criminal tendencies and handwriting of evil, crazy, psychopaths… Danny might end up in one of those books. With that being said, even if I wasn’t told this person was a convicted murderer, it’d be difficult to find the good things because there’s so many interesting negative qualities that jump to the surface.
I mention that because it’s easy to be swayed into finding good or bad based on the framing of the handwriting sample enclosed. Let’s dig into the handwriting sample. We have a two page handwritten note. There are lots of individual traits so I’ve asked our graphic artist to break it up into three or four sections so we can break them apart specifically the sections where we identify traits. The first thing that you do is you look for any overall patterns or traits that jump out at you. In this case there are lots of individual traits that jump out at you.
For beginner students: just take those individual traits which you know to be a specific trait such as temper, vanity, stubbornness, mother issues, anger at women, etc. Now I want you to circle, outline, and note the traits you find. Now the real skill as an advanced handwriting expert is to combine those traits along with the rhythm, spacing, alignment, baseline, and the line quality to come up with an entire personality profile. Even if you are just beginning and you have the primary traits, you will find this person is fascinating and fascinatingly troubled.
So let’s start with some of the primary traits that you probably know if you have the basic 101 course or the certification course. If you go left to right on Page 1, you’ll see the very first trait is something that is not included in any of those courses because quite frankly this is the first time I’ve ever seen it. It is a reverse D loop in the D stem. It’s in the stem and the actual oval shape.
The reason I circled this ‘d’ because this is highly unusual. As I dug around and researched, I did find that there is some meaning to this and some precedent to having a warped ‘d’. Any kind of upper loops that are off indicates a warped sense of morality. I’ve seen this in the ‘h’ quite a bit. This is a similar loop and likewise the oval in the ‘d’ which starts down almost like a worry loop. A worry loop is a beginning loop in the ‘m’ or ‘n’ which is an advanced trait. I know those of you that have just taken the basic course wouldn’t know that but instead of making an oval counterclockwise, this guy makes the oval in the ‘d’ clockwise. When you see this in an ‘o’ which I have rarely seen, all the books indicate this is someone who is absolutely dishonest. Now my first thought and maybe it’s fluidity of thinking but based on other books on the topic, it is a symbol of severe dishonesty.
The next trait is resentment at religion. You have to go all the way to the middle of the page to see this ‘d’ which has a anger tick in the upper zone. Anything in the upper zone relates to religious ideas, philosophies and we see an anger tick toward that. This anger tick at any part in the handwriting is similar to resentment. You would know this if you owned the masters or advanced course but all the anger ticks are fine lines in the upper zone indicates some kind of annoyance or philosophy.
The next trait on the top is a stinger. This is a very common trait even if you have the basic 101 course. It indicates an anger at women especially strong, challenging women. One could speculate this person had anger issues at his mother however stingers aren’t always pertaining to the mother and it doesn’t always indicate hatred but it does indicate an anger and some issues from the past. If I saw this trait I would immediately go look for and hunt down a personal pronoun ‘I’ and analyze whether or not his relationship with his mother was good or not.
The next trait is a ‘d’ stem that indicates vanity. If you look at the word ‘tried’ that ‘d’ stem is three to four times larger than the middle zone. Vanity indicates a blaming nature, a tendency to be excessively concerned with what people think of him, and being condescending towards others. Now shift your eyes to the middle of the page and of course there is the capital personal pronoun ‘I’ and it says “is the public aware” and you see the ‘I’ throughout the next couple of lines. There is a loop on the bottom, but there is not a loop on the top. Depending on which handwriting analysis book you read, that could be mother issues or father issues. However, based on my experience, the retraced top loop indicates issues with the person’s mother. The bottom loop (the boat) represents issue with the father. So, this sample would indicate mommy issues or a lack of connection or a lack of trust with his mother. This is further correlated by the stinger in the other parts of the handwriting. Therefore, you know that women are his enemy… he blames them for his angst.
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Handwriting Analysis 101 Course Brief Description: This Handwriting 101 Starter Kit course allows you to learn handwriting analysis from your computer via our new membership site or from your own home via the DVD/CD package! This Handwriting Analysis 101 – Introduction to the Basic Traits includes the 101 book, 5 MOV file streaming seminar clips, downloadable emotional gauge, and the entire 101 book, Grapho-Deck, read to you via the 3 hour Audio Book in Flash and MP3 format. |

If you look in the middle of the page you see the word murder. There is a loop at the base of the ‘m’ stem. This is a textbook trait for worry and this is found in the Level 501 advanced trait dictionary and it is called the “worry loop”. I recently discovered that even though it is on the 301 final exam, some of the students didn’t have it in the basic dictionary. Those of you that are looking to learn a new trait from the advanced course, this is it; a worry loop.
I also put something rather advanced here. The Ls and Hs in the phrase, “taking naps at will, eating three well-balanced hot meals a day” has an ink spot in the 11:00 position. This is an indicator of health issues and this would be what they call pain dots. This is in the advanced course. The two sections on health by Teresa DeBerry and Dr. Alexander talk about health issues and indicated a lot of unusual dots throughout the writing. If you were to purely adhere to the basic health issues of Dogma which is currently being written, this would indicate a head injury and probably on the right side of the head. There is controversy whether it is the left or right side of the head and so the only way to really know is to actually investigate the guy and see what kind of scars or injuries he has on his head. In this case, I’d certainly go with the left side of the head only because I have a scar on the left side of the head and I have a ink spot right there in my own Hs. That was the first time I became convinced that perhaps you could tell health issues from handwriting when it happened to me.
Argumentativeness: if you look at the word “hospital”, that is a classic argumentative. That is a stubborn trait that is upside down. Looks like a huge ‘V’. Classic primary trait.

Down in the middle of the page, we see excellent examples of temper. We see one with pointed Ts. That’s sarcasm and mean temper. We see some that are on the right side of the page which is classic temper. All of them in the upper part of the ‘t’ which is a good self esteem high goals or at least moderate goals. This is not someone that’s going to be pushed around. This is someone who’s going to push people around. Not only is he angry and pissed off at women, but he has just enough self esteem to do something about his anger issues.

Finally on the same page lower hand corner, we see two examples of stubbornness which is almost like argumentativeness but it’s in the upper zone. This person is not going to be confused with the facts. Once he makes up his mind, he is stubborn. He is like a child.

On the next page I want to point out some of the same traits in the second handwriting sample and add a couple of new ones. The primary one is the weird reversed oval in the ‘d’ I was referring to in the first section of the article. Now we see the word “not”. Again the circle in the ‘o’ is a clockwise oval. This is not something you normally see and this is usually an indicator of some really warped thinking.

On the right side, this is one of those traits that you read about but you never fully understand. It’s the idea of muddy handwriting. Muddy basically means poor line quality, letters on top of each other, and basically dirty handwriting. This is easily a symbol of muddy thinking; excessive passion, excessive lack of self-control and essentially not a high level of maturity but passion rules. It’s not a primary trait. It’s one of those traits you see a lot in the Gestalt handwriting and in this situation, it definitely does have its place as the line quality is shaky which means the mental quality and the mental processes are not linear.
In the middle of the page, we see the traits we’ve seen before but again temper is throughout the handwriting. His temper is very bad so if you were to ask me, “Would he be violent?” I don’t see aggressiveness but we do see anger, temper, bossiness, and lying. I would say that you definitely have some issues that I would worry about and I would think violence would be one of them even though we don’t have that primary trait of aggressiveness as I would expect.

Finally you see the domineering, pushy, bossy trait. This guy is… just excuse the terminology, but he’s a jerk. He’s a pushy jerk and if you read the content of the letter, it confirms it completely. Finally on the very right hand corner, we talk about the ‘n’ that is not very clear. They’re square and shaky. It’s poor thinking skills. They’re muddled thinking. It’s the opposite of a fluid thinker so this person is unpredictable. He does not make the same decision twice based on the same stimuli. He is generally unstable.
So please leave your comments below at the blog. It is always interesting to see comments in from experts and students around the world as this is a fascinating handwriting sample. You may even Google his name after your analysis and see if his crime matches the evil analysis we’ve created here today. Please get certified, become an expert and spread the Dogma of scientific handwriting analysis around the world. Note: We’ve included a third sample found after the analysis, you can see it below and share your thoughts on it. The first two samples we’re written from Danny to The Gaston Gazette, the second letter is from Danny to his sister. If you enjoy these handwriting analysis examples and handwriting analysis samples, please post your comment below.
Sample 1 ![]() |
Sample 2 ![]() |
Sample 3 (Extra) ![]() |
Handwriting University’s Level 301 Home Study Course Included:
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Andreaf McNichol, an excellent graphologist whom I admire very much, says those reversed O’s A’s D’s and G’s are signs of dislexia……….Danny is, and has been from childhood, a dislexic, and very likely received little if any
nurturing to correct it (PPI reveals a disconnect in his parents, with the mother not present)
……perhaps the reason why Danny shows self-consciousness in the m’s and n ‘s.
Another feature in his writing: I sense that he is resigned.
Bart, here’s an additonal thought, not from graphology, but from man’s basic spiritual essence…..
When we humans commit evil, we perhaps, not aware at first, but later,
feel the guilt and realize we not only offended others, but
ourselves. The criminal therefore, actually wants to be stopped. …..
wants to be caught……..
…..and thus the resignation that shows in his writing.
Bart, do you see it ……or am I just
putting it there?
charlie benedetti
This is an incredible analysis! Analyzing the handwriting of Criminals is so fascinating, because I wonder what makes a person like this guy “tick.”
Now, after studying Handwriting Analysis with Bart, I can see it for myself, and it is so much more valuable than a mere verbal admission from such a person. People can, and do lie, some more easily than others, BUT-THE HANDWRITING NEVER, NEVER, NEVER LIES-NEVER! We may lack knowledge to analyze it, but my experience has proven handwriting analysis is incredibly accurate, and is the most useful science I’ve ever learned.
I wish I’d learned it years ago!
I was just watching an old CSI episode when they showed a scene with some forensic handwriting analysis. I was skeptical if drawing such specific conclusions from something like a handwritten sentence was even possible – and yes, I know it’s a TV show 🙂 – so I got on the internet and Google brought me here. Even though I have no experience in this area, I just assumed the show’s writers and producers were taking some pretty serious liberties with the amount, type and specificity of information one can get from a handwriting sample. Well, after reading this page and taking some time to examine the examples shown above, I’m pretty stunned. Not because it seems that the show accurately portrayed the discipline, but simply because I never had any idea obtaining such a vast amount of possible info from a piece of handwriting was even remotely possible.
To put it bluntly, this shit is fascinating. Thanks!
Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to post this online!! This article is definitely the most fascinating thing I’ve seen in a while.