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Your Deepest Insecurities - Exposed!
The Story of Nora

by Rosetta Cozart
edited by Cindy Little


Nora is the Human Resource Director for a local company. When you meet her for the first time, her friendliness and warmth make an immediate impression. She invites you to approach her at any time should a problem arise or if you just need to talk to her. Over a period of time and circumstances, certain aspects of Nora's personality begin to make you wonder if she can be trusted. Let's pinpoint some traits in her writing that may give rise for concern.

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Desire for responsibility...beginning loops especially in capital letters
Secretiveness...loops on the right side of the ovals.
Desire for Attention, Denial of Blame Coiling of Ovals
Self-castigation...strokes that cross back to the left and remain in the past.
Sensitivity to Criticism...inflated loops on t and d stems.
Desire for Attention...ending strokes that rise up above the middle zone as if someone were raising their hand to be acknowledged.
Self-Deception...loop on left side of oval.
Low Self-Esteem, Low Goals...low t-bars
Procrastination...t-bars that remain mostly to the left of the t-stem.
Worry Loops...loops in the m's and n's.
Yieldingness/Submissiveness...seen in soft s formations.

To begin, we want to take into consideration that Nora is a very light writer, so some of her strokes may not be obvious to the untrained eye. In the sample dated 3/5/02 the initial stroke in the name Nora is so light that it is barely discernable on the original paper.

The initial stroke is actually a very large loop indicating a strong desire for responsibility, which is not a bad trait in and of itself. However, stacked with other traits, such as low self-esteem, submissiveness and a tendency to deceive, it can certainly cause concern.

When her actions are compared to what is evident in her writing, it is apparent that Nora is a very insecure person. When she hires people for the office, she looks for people she can train, thus placing herself in a position where they look up to her.

Many qualified applicants have come in to apply, but if they are pretty or seem too confident in their capabilities, she will not contact them for an interview. The people she hires are generally insecure and are not knowledgeable.

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The second sample, dated 11/10/03, was written with an extra fine-point marker. The light writing is indicated by the missing or broken strokes throughout the sample. One of the potentially positive aspects of a light writer, is that they probably won't hold on to intense emotions for very long - they can be quick to forgive and move on.

Nora's need for attention is further supported by the ending strokes in this sample, which reach up above the middle zone (as though a little hand were waving for recognition), as well as the low t-bars, indicating low self-esteem.

Furthermore, the lightness of her writing and the yielding s formations support the need for acceptance by others. Thus, she is easily influenced by those whom she holds in high esteem.


Nora has a very strong desire to be needed by a large number of people. In order to fulfill this desire, being Human Resource Director has not been enough. When the occasion presented itself, Nora has taken on more responsibilities outside of her department. This has served to gain her the recognition and attention she strongly craves.

Although this action filled a need for Nora's insecure nature, an employer may see it as a positive trait, as an employee willing to take on more responsibility is generally an asset to a company.

Nora is quite capable of withholding information from others. Her secretiveness may be due, in fact, to her position as Human Resource Director, where confidentiality is paramount. Again, this could be a definite positive for an employer seeking to fill a position that requires a degree of discretion.

Yet, it is interesting to note that there may be occasions where Nora will speak of a secret matter and break confidence. This is indicated by the opened o on the sample dated 11/10/03 with an attached secretiveness loop in the word "could." The fact that the open portion of the o is towards the left side of the oval lends to the thought that she is inclined to gossip or otherwise talk behind someone's back.

It is also interesting to note the o in the word "your," on the sample dated 11/10/03. This particular oval has an interesting formation. First, it begins with a coiling shape. According to some, this is indicative of someone who will draw attention to themselves; but, if anything goes wrong and there are to be repercussions, the individual will do all they can to divert the attention away from themselves.

Compounding this coiling stroke with that of a large secretiveness loop, you have someone who knows the truth but isn't going to reveal it since it most likely will place the guilt on themselves.

NOTE: Anything that invades the cleanness of any oval is a type of deception regarding communication.

To demonstrate where the action follows the writing, Nora has, in times past, counseled someone to react to a fellow employee in a less-than-ideal manner. When there were repercussions, Nora denied her counsel, leaving the individual to defend himself.

There are other traits throughout the handwriting that would suggest that Nora is not the happy person she portrays. We see that the writer is worried about something as indicated by the loops in the capital m's and n's.

She is overly sensitive about any criticism that is presented to her, either about herself or her ideas, as evidenced by the wide loops in her lower case d's and t's.

We also note the frequent use of self-castigation strokes in several of her endings, indicating a need to punish herself. (NOTE: Self-castigation strokes are those strokes, usually ending strokes or t-bar crossings, that cross back to the left and stay there in the past.)

Nora also retreats toward self-deception. This is shown by a loop on the left side of an o, and is generally a coping tool or a defense mechanism, which can be used in several ways - either to build an ego, to deal with a less than ideal reality, or to justify feelings of guilt, among other things.


As there is quite a lapse of time between the two samples, let's take a look at what has changed from one year to the next.

The 11/10/03 sample shows that Nora is more self- concerned than in her 2002 sample. The slant is more reclined to self. Procrastination is more prevalent. Her word spacing is more prominent indicating a desire to put more space between herself and others. She doesn't show as much enthusiasm as she did a year ago, and she's not as communicative about herself in the 2003 sample as she was in the 2002 sample.\

Of course, these two samples are merely a snapshot in time, and do not necessarily encompass all of Nora's past and present personality vices and virtues.


Of course! Grapho-therapy can help anyone with issues one can see in the writing. It sure coudn't hurt!

It is possible that Nora could benefit from the use of Grapho-therapy; but, unless she is able to curb the strong trait of procrastination in her handwriting, it may not happen, since change would require dedication, commitment and action.

So, the first step is to get her to cross her t-bar in the middle and at the top of the stem. One step at a time.

What grapho-therapy would you suggest?

In summary, while Nora has quite a few issues that could create disharmony, both at work and on the home front, she can also, as evidenced by her accompanying desires for attention and responsibility, be a very caring and responsive person.

Any comment, visit the bulletin board.

Rosetta Cozart
The Write Strokes
Co-Editor/Librarian ChaiUSA


Frequently Asked Questions:

FAQ: One graphologist told me that if the trait is in the handwriting, then it's a reality; another said it's possible
to carry only the trait and never act on it. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

A: The latter is correct. You have to weigh all the factors to predict "action," and even then it takes timing and opportunity before someone acts on it. The traits increase the risk factor.

Just like in the medical community, people can carry the Aids virus, but never develop aids. A behavior takes many elements; personality traits, motivation, and opportunity. Handwriting analysts do not predict the future, we just give probabilities.


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