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5 Hell Traits Found in Handwriting
Handwriting Analysis for Love, Sex and Relationship
Hand writing analysis is the easy way to avoid those terrible personality traits you never want to discover your lover has! These easy-to-spot traits are found quickly in a short sample of handwriting. So, grab a friend's handwriting, and compare to the writing below. If you match more than 3 out of 5...you're in for HELL. This section details those personality characteristics I highly recommend avoiding! People with too many of these traits can make your life a living hell. Be forewarned, if someone's handwriting reveals these traits, this person is trouble. Of course, the degree of trouble depends on the intensity and frequency of the trait in the handwriting. Please double check your analysis before you scream "Psycho!" and run for the door. But, back up a few feet the first time you see any one of the traits in this chapter. Unfortunately, you may find you have a few Hell Traits in your own personality. A personality clash could arise because the Hell Traits in your own personality don't mix well with the Hell Traits in someone else's. Once you begin looking at people's handwriting on a regular basis, you will realize just how many people in your own life have some Hell Traits. Hell Traits are like deadly chemicals, in very small quantities we can deal with it, but taken in big doses, we can't survive. The best way to avoid pesticides is to eat all-natural food prepared without chemicals. Likewise, the best way to deal with someone's Hell Traits is to avoid people with Hell Traits.
Hell Trait #1 --- Lying (Prevarication) Honesty is one of the most sought-after personality traits. Unfortunately, honesty or dishonesty is a result of many variables, least of which are the person's integrity and the specific situation. However, some people have so much internal confusion that they lie when the truth is better. The worst case scenario is the letter o shown here. This is the pathological liar. He will make up stories and is basically not trustworthy. He probably does not know what the real truth is. Luckily, I do not see this trait very often. I hope you don't either. However, if you ever see this trait consistently in someone's handwriting take my advice, This trait and other levels of communication are shown in the lower case letter o. The letter o is a communication letter. You will notice that you can also see other traits in the letter o, such as: secretiveness, self-deceit, talkativeness, and frankness. The lying loops, as I call them, are a combination of a large, secretive loop and a large, self-deceit loop. It is shown by two, huge, inner loops in both halves of the letter o that cross. Together, this writer is deceiving others and himself! He simply forgets what the truth is! If you see this occasionally, in one out of ten, don't assume he is a pathological liar. He does lie, but not to the severity that the name "pathological liar" implies. As you know, many basically honest people tell white lies in different circumstances. Ethics, integrity, and opportunity are also factors in honesty. You must take the entire writing into consideration. If you find two small inner loops in the letter o, you have a person that prevaricates (lies) occasionally about small details. A secretary often has these small loops when she says "The boss is in a meeting, may I take a message?" All the while, the boss is standing next to her saying, "I don't want to talk to him!" If you recall the discussion about the three zones in handwriting, I mentioned that any loop, wherever you find it, is imagination. Therefore, if a loop is in the upper zone, one might imagine things associated with philosophy, religion, or ethics. If the loop is in the lower zone, the imagination might be physical or sexual. If the loop is in the middle zone, like the letter o, the writer imagines things pertaining to daily events. Since the o is a communication letter, you get imagination as to what someone tells you. The bigger the loops, the more he lies, or the more secrets are being kept. Hell Trait #2 --- Low Self-Esteem This is the one trait that is perhaps the most common problem in the United States. In relationships, it sticks up its ugly head and will cause you problems. In handwriting a low self-image is shown by a low t-bar. The cross of the letter t is on or below the top of the middle zone. A low self-image is also revealed by a very small personal pronoun I. Since capital letters indicate the strength of one's ego, a small letter I reveals the writer doesn't have a great amount of ego strength about himself. Look for the personal pronoun capital I. To confirm any indication of self-esteem, look to the height of the cross on the letter t. The person with a low self-image fears failure and fears change that could bring failure. Consequently, she doesn't set high goals or plan very far ahead in the future. When I explain this trait to a woman who has it, I usually say, "When you look in the mirror, you see all the imperfections. You think so many other women are prettier than you. You're constantly questioning your self-worth." It is a self-critical evaluation that degrades one's sense of personal value. If you are dating someone who doesn't hold himself in high value, how is he going to treat you? Usually two scenarios reveal themselves. The first one is pleasant. He respects you and idolizes you for having so many things that he doesn't possess. In the process of valuing you, a person with low self-esteem will often go out of his way to do things to make you like him. But don't be fooled by the niceness in the beginning. The person with a low self-image always wants a payback. If you are abusive and want a partner to be totally dependent on you, perhaps you need a partner with a low self-image. In almost all the cases where a woman has been abused, I find low self-esteem. (I don't know whether the abuse caused the low esteem, or the low esteem allowed the abuse.) It reminds me of a 19-year-old girl who had terribly low self-esteem. She was living with a man who beat her regularly. He was also addicted to drugs. She had a very low self-image that caused her to feel that she deserved the violent treatment. Although she said she didn't like it, she didn't leave him. Why would someone put up with that? She was so insecure, she wasn't sure she could find someone better. She wasn't sure she had the strength to make it on her own. She kept thinking thoughts like, "No one else would want me, I am stupid and ugly, etc." (By the way, she wasn't ugly.) A person with low self-esteem may be attractive in the beginning, because the person is extra sweet, humble, generous, etc. Remember, people are the sum of all their parts. You should position your relationship in such a manner that your mate wants to be with you out of her own best interest, her own personal power, her own thoughts of love and affection, not from a fear (such as being alone). As with other traits, self-esteem can be dramatically enhanced using various neuro-conditioning techniques discussed in the appendix. An unconditional love relationship can only exist between two partners with good self-esteem. When a couple not only likes each other, but likes themselves, the entire relationship is more fun, more stable, and more successful. Look for someone who has a healthy self-image. Look for a high t-bar. Hell Trait #3 --- Dual Personality Dual personality is shown in handwriting by an obvious slant variation, leftward to rightward, in the same sentence. This person has trouble making emotional decisions because of the varied emotional influences. When a stressful situation arises, she withdraws into herself, into her introverted personality. There is a fundamental duality within the psyche that creates unpredictable emotional responses. Some people call this person just moody, but, it goes deeper than just mood swings. The actual biological synaptic responses in the brain function in two different, distinct patterns, depending on the circumstance. As you can imagine, having two separate biological responses to the same situation can create quite an unpredictable relationship. It does. Since most people consistently use primarily one emotional outlay, I consider the variable slant writer unusual and unpredictable. Dating a dual personality has its advantages and its disadvantages. Usually, the nice personality is especially extra sweet. She is kind, generous, fun-loving, and entertaining. That is the personality you see on the good days. That is the personality you fall in love with. Then... whammo! The other personality comes out. This personality is usually a real bitch/bastard. Remember the story of Marsha? One day she would be very affectionate and loving toward me, then the next day she wouldn't speak to me and wouldn't tell me why. This is typical of a dual personality. When she was in her other personality, she displayed all the characteristics of a pissed-off introvert (FA writer). She harbored her emotions and dwelled on them within her own mind. As stated earlier, these people are very hard to deal with. I have to admit that this particular girl was extremely fun to be around, when she was in her sweetheart mode. But, in her bitchy one, watch out. Parts of this type of person are pleasant and enjoyable. But remember that you must consider the entire package when getting into a relationship. I really enjoyed having Marsha as a friend or buddy. In fact, we continued to be casual buddies over the next two years. You can avoid friends when they are in their bitchy moods. However, in a relationship, it is difficult just to leave town for two days when the unpleasant personality comes out. If you are already involved, or get involved, with a person with two personalities, it is imperative you talk about emotions. Look at his handwriting for talkativeness. This person has internal struggles within himself about what he wants. Therefore, the other partner gets mixed messages and might be hurt. If you talk about all his emotions, dealing with the strange variations in emotions can be much easier. People with this trait need to be with a mature, understanding partner who is willing to try to understand their changing feelings. It is now a fundamental rule of mine not to date women with the trait of dual personality. In fact, even in my friendships with males, I am wary of this trait. That is why it is a Hell Trait. Hell Trait #4 --- Paranoia (Okay... Extremely sensitive to criticism. Paranoid only if you're dating.) This is one of the most significant of the Hell Traits and it is worth reviewing. As you recall, Sensitivity to Criticism is an over-awareness of other's perceptions about oneself. It is the fear of disapproval. It is the overbearing need for approval. It is a fear that is shown by a loop in the lower case d and t stems. The amount of sensitivity as it relates to the personal self is shown n the stem of the lower case d. The amount of sensitivity as it relates to ideas and philosophies is shown in the stem of the lower case t. The bigger the loop, the bigger the amount of sensitivity. The Hell Trait of paranoia is present when the loop in the d is inflated like a balloon and/or flat on top. Anyone that has a big looped d also has developed some powerful defense mechanisms to guard such an open wound. Criticizing this person is like pouring salt into it. When these people feel betrayed, watch out for their defenses. If these loops are inflated to a disproportionate size, you know that the fear of criticism is unreasonable and you will see vicious sarcasm, resentment, aggression, etc., to protect the ego. Huge flat-topped looped d's that do not return to the baseline signify this fear doesn't return to reality (the baseline). Many allow their fears to hinder relationships, considerably. Invariably, you will be the victim of their feelings of mistrust at one time or another. A truly paranoid person often has built up so many defenses, they might tell you, "I don't care what others think." Their defenses are so strong, they may actually not feel the pain of that open wound anymore. If they have a huge looped d and say they don't care what others think... you know they are really in a lot of pain. If you choose to get into a relationship with a paranoid person, realize that he is subject to unreasonable fears. It can be a real challenging situation. I have found, when having a close friendship or relationship with a borderline paranoid person, as shown in handwriting, he will eventually feel you have turned against him and he will turn on you. A person who feels trapped in a corner will react like a trapped animal. He will fight. His exaggerated fear of persecution makes him feel trapped and you might be his victim. If you must deal with this Hell Trait, let him know you approve. Give frequent compliments, but don't patronize. Since they are searching for approval, let her know you like what she is wearing. If you give sincere compliments to these oversensitive people, you will have them eating out of the palm of your hand, because you are supplying what they need the most: approval. When the sensitiveness turns to paranoia, the niceness disappears very quickly. Hell Trait #5 --- Needs a Challenge This trait is very common in both men and women. It has been described as the trait of manipulation, anger at the opposite sex, or the need for a challenge. It probably fits slightly into each of those categories. I should warn you that, although it is listed as one of my Hell Traits, it is so common it is difficult to avoid. It is shown in the letters c, a, and d. It is a hook-like shape that forms the top circle of those letters. It has been called a Stinger because of its resemblance to a bee's hook-like stinger which hurts very badly if you get stung. People who have stingers in their handwriting usually get a thrill out of stinging others. It is usually directed at the opposite sex. Depending on the other traits in the handwriting, it could just be a game, or it could be malicious behavior. The bottom line in a relationship is that the person who possesses the stinger trait needs a challenge to remain interested. These people will often seek out very tumultuous people, just to have a good fight. These are the game players. It is this type of person who says, "I hate playing games," and then proceeds to act in an inconsiderate way to give the impression that he doesn't like her too much. In any case, these people are rarely satisfied with nice-guys or nice-girls. They are attracted to the rebel, the wild beast, the untamable. It is the thrill of the chase, rather than the prize, that keeps them interested. This is the trait that says about a woman "Don't be too nice, I am only attracted to assholes. "Therefore, if you first meet a person who has a stinger in his handwriting, know that the most self-defeating move you can make is to throw yourself at him. Because he needs a challenge, he will only want you if he gets to chase you down. So, act as if you couldn't care less whether you go out with him or not. Act indifferent. This same attitude works with women who have stingers. This attitude is usually accepted as an effective strategy to take under most circumstances, but it is the only attitude that will attract people with stingers. The simple, play-hard-to-get strategy falls under the category of the economics of love. The need for a challenge is a different animal, but utilizes that strategy as well. What the subconscious mind is saying in a woman's stinger, is that there is an underlying resentment at the male gender. The man's stinger shows an anger at the female gender. It reveals itself in a predatory attitude. The bigger the prey, the greater the feeling of conquering. Relationships become a game. Love becomes tumultuous and unpredictable. The entire movie Dangerous Liaisons was about a man with very big stingers. He manipulated the women into bed in a most dangerous game. If you aren't sure how stingers are revealed in relationships, go see that movie. How do you win? I don't think anyone ever wins that game. But the way to keep a stalemate going, is to never give in completely. If you date a person with this trait, never give up total control. Hell Traits Closing Thoughts In this newsletter, I listed five of the NINE personality characteristics that I consider personality traits from HELL. If you value your sanity, you should get a copy of my book The Secrets to Making Love Happen! and discover for yourself the other FOUR! Your list may be completely different. You may not like men or women who are sweet, kind, and generous. I have certain likes and dislikes that you may not share. However, from my experience, you should carefully consider dealing with anyone with a Hell Trait. People with these characteristics will be challenging at one time or another. I suggest you take inventory of your past relationships and make a list of the traits that bothered you. You should be able to compile quite a list of your own Hell Traits. Then, ask yourself what personality characteristics contributed to the behavior that you hated so much. You will probably find that the majority of those characteristics can be found in the handwriting. Then, simply avoid those traits in your next mate, lover, or friend. When you review the Trait Dictionary in Appendix A of The Secrets to Making Love Happen!, you might find traits that you feel should have been mentioned in this newsletter. There are a few traits you should be warned about. However, they aren't serious enough in all people to constitute a Hell Trait designation. It is easy to avoid many of the worst Hell Traits. However, it is not as easy to avoid all the other traits that make a person human. After all, nobody is perfect. You may be forced to deal with one Hell Trait. But, you don't have to live with five. In return for putting up with one, you might also get a trustworthy, funny, and loyal mate. I don't think you can pass on all the people you see who have small idiosyncrasies, but you can afford to pass on someone with a plethora of Hell Traits. My experience shows most people can learn to live and adapt to someone with one of the lesser Hell Traits. However, I suggest you search for someone without any of them
Snuggle up to my best-selling book to improve your love life through handwriting analysis.
SPECIAL Read about all nine Hell traits and other fascinating relationship secrets like where to find a mate and how to attract the perfect partner. http://www.myhandwriting.com/order/catalog.html STUDENT TESTIMONIAL
Bart Baggett, Author and Lead Trainer
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