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Check in for a Personality Check Up With the Handwriting Doctor

by Michelle Dresbold
edited by Cindy Little

Dear Handwriting Doctor,

In a recent column you stated that by changing your handwriting you could change your personality. I would like to be a more effective, well-organized, outgoing person. How would I change my handwriting to match the handwriting of a person who has these qualities? Is there a good book that could give me that information?

Jodi (in Kentucky)

Sample of Jodi's handwriting

Dear Jodi,

Change can do you good. Changing your handwriting is a heck of a lot cheaper than a therapist and can be just as effective. Handwriting therapy works on the principle that behavioral changes can effect psychological changes.

Numerous studies have shown that the physical act of laughing actually helps strengthen the immune
system. Similarly, when your writing drags downhill (when you feel down and think life is a drag), if you force your hand to write uphill, you’ll feel more upbeat and energetic.

Eventually, your subconscious gets the message that you are not only creating a change in your
writing, but creating a change in yourself and your life.

Handwriting therapy has helped me make some effective changes in my own life. For example,
when I first started studying handwriting analysis, my teacher took one look at my writing and said:
“Michelle, you’ve sure got an “argumentative p, look how high your initial stroke is.”

“What! No way!” I insisted. “Not me, I absolutely can’t have an argumentative p. This time the
handwriting has to be wrong!” But, alas, as I observed my interactions with others, I noticed
that my conversations consisted of: everybody talking, nobody listening, and everyone
disagreeing afterwards!

So, I decided that it was time for me to make some changes. I worked on my “p’s,” and as
my writing changed, a more gentle, non-confrontational Michelle emerged.

You asked me to help you in several areas. Handwriting therapy works best when you
work on one issue at a time. Look at your “t’s.” You complete the entire word and then you
go back and cross your “t’s.” You are backtracking. Train your hand and mind to
became more effective. Cross your “t’s” as you write them, connecting your “t” bar into
the following letter. You will have saved a step. Keep doing this and your subconscious
will look for more efficient ways to do everyday tasks.

As far as a good book on handwriting analysis, hang on…I’m working on it -- and if I can
keep my “t” bar crossings high and strong, it’ll be out in no time!

Editors note: Handwriting University has books, workbooks and video and audio courses for
learning about handwriting analysis and graphotherapy.

You can get Bart Baggett's books on Graphotherapy and implement these tools here:

Check out our catalog of products here:

Michelle Dresbold is a nationally known handwriting expert and personality profiler. Have a personal question or problem?
Mail your handwritten letters to:
The Handwriting Doctor
P.O. Box 1161
Monroeville, PA 15146

or fax (using "fine" setting) to 1-801-905-2324.
On the Web, visit



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Hi Bart!

Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed your one-day intensive handwriting seminar. (

Using the skills I was able to acquire in just one day, I will feel much better equipped to assess new clients in my Legal Nurse Consulting Practice! In fact, I cannot think of an individual working with the public who would not immediately benefit by applying these essential skills that you have made both fun and easy to acquire.

Your enthusiasm is infectious, and that you further promote clear living and prosperity to all whom you encounter, is the unadvertised bonus for those of us smart enough and fortunate to take this course.

Who could not benefit? Great job!
See you in Dallas in October at the Doc Exam Conference!

Best wishes,
Diana King, Boston, Mass, USA


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