Legend of Rock Ends Own Life.

Lead Singer of Nirvana, Curt Cobain
takes his own life after penning this last letter.
Take a look at this suicide
note. What strikes me deeper than the contect of the letter is the person
pain at which he must have been suffering (needlessly.) People who write
this tiny have 10x more intensity, focus, and concentration that the rest
of us. Also, they tend to "harbor their emotions" inside - unable
to express joy or happiness very effectively.
It is so sad to see people with
so much talent and potential to make a positive impact on the world suffer
from a lack of understanding of how to control and influence their own
emotional states.
Go here to See the Handwritten
Go here to see the translation (typed) words contained inside the handwritten
Go here to see my notes relating to the handwriting traits.

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