Five Danger Signs in Handwriting: A Nine-Minute Video

After Curt Baggett’s stunning revelations about CNN’s news crew recently, it’s only appropriate we share one of his most popular lectures ever given at a live conference.  This has been a Handwriting University favorite for beginners and veterans.

So, walk around the office and sneak a handwriting sample of the person you think is the most “unstable, weird, or simply the meanest person at the office.”

Then, watch this video about the Five Biggest Danger Signs Revealed in Handwriting.


In Today’s Conference Video Clip ….

Curt Baggett describes the difference between sensitivity, paranoia, and even the rare-but-accurate flat-topped “guilt” d. Incomplete d-loop can be “dangerous” because the imagination loop is incomplete. This trait is not published and researched, so leave your comments on this page to share your experiences with the letter d with other students around the world.

Is the flat-topped d really dangerous?

Is the big-looped d-person always full of blame?

Is as looped d bad or good?

Finally, the lower zone loops can be stacked along with the looped d and increase anyone’s imagination related to life and even criticism.

Curt also explains the various downstrokes in the lower zone g or y and how they relates to trust, open-mindedness, and a tendency to exaggerate the facts. Large y loops indicate a person who exaggerates everything.

At minute 7:05, Curt reveals the trait of guilt, often called religious guilt (often shown in the writing of people who grew up Catholic or some other religion where guilt is a primary emotion utilized to discipline children).

Video Contains Illustrations of: Sensitivity to Criticism, Paranoia, Self-Deceit, Guilt, Exaggeration, and other dangerous personality traits.

Recorded at a recent Handwriting University Conference in Las Vegas Nevada. The speaker is Curt Baggett, who recently appeared on CNN analyzing the handwriting of the reporters and Secretary of State.

Notes from the above Video:

What is the touch of paranoia, and where does it show up in handwriting?

The defense mechanism is to deny that they care what people think, but they really do care, deeply. If the loops are very very large, the sensitivity to criticism increases to a possible level of blame and paranoia. Can you spot criminal tendencies in handwriting? Which traits are bad for business or bad for relationships?

The primary trait is a loop in the lower case d. Start with this single trait, but remember it can increase in size — and the pain and hurt increase with the size. Large loops require defense mechanisms to defend the ego by blaming, hurting you, or fighting back the source of the criticism.

Please login and leave your comments below the video so future members and readers can take away some bits of knowledge from viewing it.

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1 Comment

  1. very nice guidance on guilt and paranoia thanks to HU.

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