Edward Snowden Signature (Handwriting Analysis)

Edward Snowden is perhaps the most hunted man in the world after whistle blowing top USA government secrets.


Is he a nice guy?  A traitor?  A genius?  LOGIN to this site and give your best and most comprehensive handwriting analysis using Handwriting University’s personality SYSTEM.   The “best and most complete” analysis will win a full YEAR’S membership to our SILVER TRAINING course from Handwriting University.

This sample of handwriting submitted by Deborah Armstrong, of Washington State, USA.


Edward Snowden's handwriting and signature.
Edward Snowden’s handwriting and signature.


  1. 1. Most striking to me is Snowden’s signature where he scratches out his name but also forms a strong triangle shape on the end. This reveals self loathing but also determination. This could have to do with the current situation he is in rather than referencing a constant frame of mind. He also seems angry, annoyed (with himself).

    2. The writer’s preference for printing rather than cursive, while typical of his generation, also reveals someone who prefers privacy, hides his personality from others

    3. The round o’s with no inner loops show honesty, bluntness

    4. Snowden’s preference for printing indicates someone who values his own privacy

    5. Some cursive mixed in with the printing reveals an intuitive nature

    6. He is very attentive to detail, judging by how he dots his i’s close to the stem

    7. Filled in lower case e’s indicates a selective listener.

  2. **Is it possible to edit comments? I accidentally repeated myself in the above post!

  3. The handwriting of Edward snowden is as under.
    From the base line we can see that Edward is very much optimistic person .
    From the letter d which are taller than normal shows he has wants people to treat him with lot of pride and dignity. The letter d in Federation tells us that he has a desire for cultural things such as travel , exotic adventure , writing , music and fine food. The Letter P which has a loop tells us that he has strong desire for physical activity in this case it could be exercise , travel . The letter O which we can see it closed which tells us that he is blunt and honest when asked for his opinion. The Capital I tells us he has a very good personal Ego . The small I tells us that he gets irritated at others very easily. The distance between words tells us that he keeps distance between others and have very few close people or friends . The straight Y tells us that he likes to do his work all along has not space for others in his work . The T in federation tells us he do procrastinate at times. The T in request shows he tries to control over an action ,or situation in his life. The letter E shows he is a silent listener. Finally coming to his signature which shows that he has desire for culture shown from the E of Edward has good fluidity of thoughts while completing any work. But mess up the work which is shown by the cutting of D of Edward which goes back and comes to the right side. But he completes the work with lot of determination Which shows lot of anger against the person or company he is .

  4. The pressure is very changeable and not everywhere adequate the writing letters. Writing style is daisy-chain and closed. The letters are all separate and slightly broken. He is an introvert. He has mood swings. He wants to feel larger than it really is. In the education is strongly influenced by female line, on which he has accumulated a lot of resentment. Now he is cautious and emotionally unstable. He has a lot of psychological problems. The signature is different from the text. The author doesn’t play it’s role. He wants to be a fighter, but is afraid of this. He is wary of their surroundings.

  5. *** This from the Daily Mail.UK United Kingdom ***

    NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been described as ‘distrusting, confused, emotional and desperate’ as he sweats on the verdict of his application for temporary asylum to Russia.

    That is the verdict of a handwriting expert who has anaylsed the 30-year-old’s official handwritten request exclusively for the MailOnline.

    Believing Snowden to tired, ‘drained’ paranoid and low on confidence and options, expert Linda Lauren feels that Snowden has a ‘lack of understanding of the big picture and his role in it.’

    And on the former technical contractor’s intelligence, the MailOnline’s dissection of his writing reveals him to ‘not as intellectual as he is analytical’.

    Insecure and quiet, yet calculated’: An analysis of Edward Snowden and his handwriting

    ‘This signature is indicative of someone who is insecure and quiet, yet calculated. He keeps things close to him and is not as intellectual as he is analytical. This is the hand of someone who is distrusting, confused, emotional and desperate. I intuit the handwriting to belong to someone with little options and a lack of understanding of the big picture and his role in it. He is extremely drained and his confidence is low, exuding high emotion. It’s the writing of someone who will not be able to compromise with his own two opposing personalities.’

    Read more:


  6. Edward Snowden at the time of writing this note has a practical goal setting determination. His fluidity of thought and bluntness and frankness is clearly seen, as well as his ability to be attentive to detail. He is honest. At times he can put off what he dislikes doing. He is optimistic and enjoys culture. He is not afraid of being alone and likes his space. He can be focused and is calculating. He learns one step at a time and once learnt he remembers. He’s a good listener and at times selective in what he wants to hear. He expects to receive respect and consideration. He desires physical activity. He is very protective. He is flexible and sarcastic towards others. To the public he wants to be persistent and cares about others and the future. He is sensitive to what people think about his appearance. He desires to be seen as someone with culture and enthusiastic.

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