Event Information:
- Event: December 2013 Tutoring Class
- Host: Bart Baggett
- Date: Monday, December 16, 2013
- Time: 6pm
- Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
- Dial-in number: (206) 402-0100
- Listen to streaming replay of class here: http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=44292180
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Ever Thought of Hiring a Private Coach ?
Bart Baggett is available for monthly “private coaching” sessions to individuals worldwide. Some clients want advice on running a business, building self-confidence, improving their relationships, or starting a career in handwriting analysis or publishing. If you have ever thought about getting a “business or life coach”, think about hiring one of the best in the world: Bart Baggett. Active Silver and Gold members get a significant discount off of Mr. Baggett’s hourly rate. With a one year coaching agreement, rates can be as low at $400 a month. Interested? Send an email to support @ handwritinguniversity.com and request an application.