Join the fun as handwriting expert Bart Baggett
gives counsel, therapy, and convinces a few radio skeptics that handwriting analysis is accurate.
And, for fun… what did Bart NOT say about Anthony’s handwriting
and the co-host’s handwriting because he wanted to be NICE and help
the host… not just shock and convince them.
Login and leave your comments below.
Download the mp3 and analyze the handwriting along with Bart.
Bart’s interview starts at minute 9:18 in the 30 minute audio file.
(Hint, open this in a new window so you can listen and scroll)
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Fast mind, high-self-esteem, impulsive. Lacks trust of people.
Get’s a big angry and has resentment.
Block printer. Fluidity of though, witty, ambitious, temper.
Emotionally fragile and sensitive to criticism. Kind and
hesitant to express emotions. Super big loop in the t-loop…
cares what people think and avoids the pain of criticism.
Scroll down to see larger samples of handwriting samples.

Click on the graphical image to see enlarged handwriting samples.
Anthony’s handwriting (larger version)

Please leave your comments below and full detailed analysis!
Toni….Along with what Bart stated. I see a keen intuition, but a very gullible person. Pride & dignity along with cultured tastes & unfortunately some twisted values that could be contributed to this girl’s upbringing. A great deal of imagination. I’d go so far as to say that this girl’s sensitive heart is almost always broken.
Anthony…along with Bart’s comments.He shows a great deal of physical energy that would have to be channeled in the right direction, or he could have bully tendencies.He lacks sensitivity & won’t always edit what comes out of his mouth.His moodiness, sharp tongue & temper could occasionally cause him problems.
Brian..I also see a talkative person that is not always a good listener. he is prone to stubbornness & aggression.