John Edgar Hoover’s Handwriting Analyzed

J. Edgar Hoover, born January 1st, 1895 was the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He was instrumental in founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director until his death in 1972.

Hoover is credited with building the FBI into a large and efficient crime-fighting agency, and with instituting a number of modernizations to police technology, such as a centralized fingerprint file and forensic laboratories.

We’ve heard jokes about J. Edgar Hoover for the past 40 years… now there is a feature film starring Leonardo DiCaprio in your local theater.

Was his brutal, iron-fisted reign of power and secrecy just a Hollywood writer’s evil twist?  Or did he really deserve the criticism and rumors which has followed him for the past 40 years?

His handwriting is full of surprises. No block printing here.  Fully exposed. Even a beginner can see the traits here.


Bart Baggett’s Analysis:

With the new movie coming out called Hoover starring Leonardo DiCaprio it came to my attention that my readers would love for me to analyze J. Edgar Hoover handwriting and see if his handwriting builds up to the interesting and dark character that’s portrayed in the movie or he lives up to the vicious rumors about his sexuality that has been floating around for over 40 years.

Now we’ll start with Sample No. 1 and we’ll get into a couple of things as illustrated in the diagram.

First of all his T bars indicate he is definitely dominant, pushy, and gets his way.  The M’s and N’s are all pointed, that indicates super analytical humps and I would even say hypercritical minded.

His D’s don’t have a loop in them which doesn’t mean he’s not sensitive, it means that he handles criticism with a lot of pride and dignity.

The long T bars in enthusiasm, the T bars that look like a bow-tie actually have a couple of traits.  The bow-tie means persistence, the brace that looks like an Indian teepee, that’s called stubbornness.

Finally, on this page we see a very big Y loops that are extremely large and awkwardly shaped.  I call them odd shaped Y’s and G’s.  That would be an excessive amount of imagination, exaggerates little details, and obviously would indicate some unusual or creative sexual leanings.  Now I’m not saying that he really was homosexual as the rumors throughout the ages have insinuated he had a relationship with one of his assistants but the handwriting definitely makes for a possibility that I would believe based on his open mindedness and his creativity.

Let’s move on to Sample No. 2.  This one of course has the slant as the most predominant character.  I’ve actually measured some slants there for you to look at.  But it looks like he is an AB slant on the words “I would do” and then “it” and the word “two disk recovered” he’s a DE or E plus slant.  This variation in slant indicates multiple personalities, unpredictable mood swings, and of course difficult to be around.

The personal printed I is missing the first loop as it’s missing the bottom left loop.  In most books that would indicate daddy issues but if you’ve read my courses and in detail sometimes those loops are reversed so I’m looking forward to seeing the movie to see if there was a daddy issue or a mother issue that’s unresolved because it looks like one of the parents were not around.

As I look through the handwriting it is definitely has lots of stubborn, lots of vanity, lots of persistence, and too many irons in the fire.  If you look at the bottom right hand corner you see these G’s dangling into the writing below, that is called entangled writing and that means the person has too many irons in the fire, gets confused, gets overwhelmed, and of course sometimes lose track of things because he gets his finger in too many pies so to speak.  If you look at the arrow on the word ‘the’ you’ll see that a lot of the strokes go back into the past including those two bars.  That indicates some guilt and some repression, maybe some guilt over past mistakes or past actions. He does have a high T bar. If you read some of the books you’ll think a high T bar is always good but a high T bar in this case would just accentuate his belief that he’s right and his confidence that he can get what he wants.  There is no arguing this was a powerful man.  Finally, he’s got closed E loops and closed E loops are by definition means he does not listen to other people’s ideas.  So he’s close minded, he knows it all, he’s arrogant, and he’s pushy.

Hmm, I wonder if that’s the man that’s displayed in the movie.  Well, please leave your notes below.  I want to read your blog comments and share your insight with other people on


Click to Enlarge the Handwriting Samples with no notes
Sample One
Sample Two



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  1. Bart. I thoroughly enjoyed your analysis. I did see the movie and based on the accuracy of the film, J. Edgar’s father was not in his life and he had an unusual relationship with his mother. As far as the personal pronoun “I”, that is one trait that I receive the most disagreement about which parent represents which loop. I have spent some time analyzing the comments I have received from people and I wonder if the loops in the cursive capital letter “I” are related to the ROLE of the parental figure rather than their gender. In other words, if someone’s father did not work outside the home and was the caregiver of the children – and the mother went to work everyday, then the traditional explanation of the loops would be reversed. I have found that if I simply say “there seems to be an unresolved issue with one of your parental figures,” that the person will offer which parent. I will do more research on that issue, but wanted to pass on what I found so far.
    Gaylynn Brenoel, Ph.D., SPHR

  2. You really nailed this analyses Bart! I was surprised truthfully to see so many different traits in J. Edgar’s handwriting. From everything one heard of Mr. Hoover, I thought that he was rather eccentric. Maybe the strangely shaped g’s and y’s would fit this category somewhat?
    As for his personal pronoun I, I have a gut feeling that his relationship with his mother was one of a “mommie’s boy”. I read where Hoover liked to dress as a woman but whether that was true or not remains to be seen.
    From my own personal experience with my personal pronoun I, it is shaped almost exactly like Hoovers. My mother and I never got along when I was growing up (sad to say) and my father was present a lot; however my father never took a stand on family issues or the dynamics of the house as f he just didn’t exist sort of even though he was prominent in being around. Sounds to me as if this might have been similar in the Hoover household.

  3. I just finished reading Gaylynn Brenoels’ piece above after I wrote mine and I think she may be onto something when she wrote, “I wonder if the loops in the cursive capital letter “I” are related to the ROLE of the parental figure rather than their gender.”
    Guess that sort of adds credence to what I said about my parents role in my life; even though Dad was there physically he wasn’t playing the main role, my mother was. Just trying to see the Hoover connection in my own personal space because i saw similarities parentally.

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