Analyze this handwriting sample, Jennifer M.
The Handwriting Interviews: Featuring Bart Baggett interviewing Jennifer M.
The Handwriting Interviews: Featuring Bart Baggett interviewing Jennifer M.
The main function of emotional expressiveness is how someone processes their feelings. The main clue or indicating factor is the size of the handwriting & the slant. ———— Special Newsletter […]
First look over “The Belief Game” below, taken from the Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy Seminar, and draw a line matching the Core Belief at Childhood on the […]
Casey Anthony’s Handwriting Revealed? Did she murder Caylee? Listen as I give a verbal analysis of the jail house letters released from CNN of Casey Anthony.
One of the best uses I can think of for Handwriting Analysis is hiring and selection! If you’re like me, you want to avoid problems with employees, tenants, baby sitters, even spouses. In this video segment I’ll show you how to find out if someone is right for the job with just a few simple questions.