This is a unique tele-class that Handwriting University FACULTY hosts each month – just for Silver and Gold Members. This tele-class will be aimed more towards answering questions that you may have about handwriting analysis and to walk you through analyzing your own handwriting sample. You can also bring up any questions you may have about our home study course. Enjoy JUNE’s live class with Bart Baggett
Event Information:
- Event: June 2014 Tutoring Class
- Host: Bart Baggett
- Date: Monday, June 23, 2013
- Time: 6pm
- Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
- Dial-in number: (818) 922-0801 Guest pin code: 1541250#
- Listen to streaming replay of class here: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=44568876
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Sample Gallery:
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Upload a handwriting sample here (jpeg, gif, or png). [ngg_uploader id = 41]
Thinking About Making A Full or Part-Time Business from Handwriting Analysis, speaking or writing a book?
This program is live and you can visit 2 x month with Bart Baggett about “marketing”