Fears and Defenses Show in Handwriting. Community Certification Level Class #5.

Replay Page Week #5 Community Live Classes for Handwriting University Fans and Students.  Discover fears and defensive in advanced handwriting analysis with Bart Baggett.

Attention: Until the end of April, these classes will be offered WEEKLY and free to the public to connect and learn during this challenging global epidemic. Invite your friends and take this time to master handwriting analysis online and via zoom video classes. 

Go here to register now for the next live class: https://bartbaggett.clickfunnels.com/community-workshop-19

This is class #5:  Pooja Saran and Bart Baggett host.

Topics:  The fear of criticism, paranoia, guilt, Meghan Markle, and the key difference between VANITY and desire for approval versus criticism. 

Go here to register now for the next live class: https://bartbaggett.clickfunnels.com/community-workshop-19


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