Why Some People Believe Handwriting Analysis is a Bunch of Crapolo!

If you have ever heard a skeptic say handwriting analysis is a bunch of crap, hookey, hogwash and pure waste of time… you might appreciate this video.  Real scholars have spent years learning the dozens of strokes, meanings, and combinations with make graphology accurate… and a few arrogant screwballs come along and ruin it for the rest of us.

Please leave a comment about this video…is a bit harsh?  True or False?


And,  don’t be a lazy amateur… get Certified and come celebrate at the annual handwriting analysis conference. Tickets go on sale April 26th and you must be enrolled into the Certification Course to RSVP in the early bird discount range.  Call for details 1-800-398-2278

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Handwriting is not Crapolo?


Handwriting Analysis is not hooey? Or is it?


  1. YES! I totally agree.
    I am not certified yet. I’m studying; plan to attend the conference and hoping to earn my certification.
    I am a mental health profession and I know handwriting analysis is one of the most powerful tools we have. I don’t take it lightly one bit. It can be a chainsaw or a scalpel, depending on who is holding it.

  2. I agree Bart.

    In your latest video about under-educated handwriting analysts
    you make good points but the “shooting down at you” angle is less than flattering.
    Next time have the camera at your eye level. I also think you should level the camera with your eyes.

    Continued success,

    Barbara Vickers

  3. Bart…
    This is the type of testimonials I am getting:
    Last day of the Expo today. The highlight was having my handwriting analyzed. all I can say is WOW no wonder they use that in criminal investigation. She knew everything about me in seconds. NO EXAGGERATION, for kicks I had her look at the at the tribute tat on my wrist. I almost cried as she described him too.

    Thank you for your training and for teaching me how to affect peoples lives in a meaningful way.

    Crapola??? I think not.

    Tammy Conrad

  4. I love it. Yes, handwriting analysis is amazing, accurate and deserves respect… but you can’t dabble in the training. So, add your comments here of the amazing “reviews” you are getting because you are so well trained and not an amateur. Thanks Tammy for the comment.

  5. Hi Bart,

    This is so true. You are totally right! You cannot just dabble, because handwriting is a science and a very accurate one. Just as a person may be a criminologist and study human behavior correctly so it is with handwriting. I am definitely going to have to be at the next conference.

  6. Hi Bart,
    I practice Graphology in Kolkata, India. What I’m today the reward goes to Graphology. I can name so many of my clients how their meaning of life got changed by the use of Grapho Therapy, some of the comments are visible in the Just Dial web India.
    I’ve students from all sections of the society Film maker, IT engineer, students, teachers of leading institutions, entrepreneur and professionals, they all agree about the strength of the subject and how scientific it is. As I’m a Leadership Coach I do use this subject in my seminars as Leadership Tool.

    P K Banerjee (MIND ZONE)

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