FEATURE STORY: “Finding the Perfect Valentine using a Stroke of the Pen” by Bart Baggett
“Everyone NEEDS this knowledge.
I’ll never date or hire anyone ever again
without analyzing the handwriting.” – Bill Smith

Finding the Perfect Valentine using a
Stroke of the Pen -by Bart Baggett,
Author of the book
Handwriting Analysis Secrets of Fulfilling Relationships.

Finding the Perfect Valentine using a
Stroke of the Pen -by Bart Baggett,
Author of the book
Handwriting Analysis Secrets of Fulfilling Relationships.
Anyone can unlock the secret to finding their true love using handwriting analysis.
The stroke, slant and depth of a person’s handwriting indicates with amazing accuracy personality traits such as stubbornness, honesty, jealousy, dominance, and even violent tendencies.
It’s a great tool for weeding out losers and finding someone who is truly compatible with your personality. Handwriting is really brain-writing, projecting the unconscious personality on paper.
Considering the current divorce rate of over 50 percent, getting clues about a person’s character should be a prerequisite to any relationship.
Dating without using handwriting analysis is like playing poker with your eyes closed. You might draw a losing hand or a winning hand… but you won’t know the difference.
As Valentine’s Day approaches those looking to find the perfect mate should heed this advice. Handwriting analysis can help you instantly identify undesirable traits, like dishonesty and jealousy, and keep you from wasting time on a relationship that is doomed from the start.
It can also help you find the traits you do want in your mate, like flexibility, open-mindedness, generosity, and perhaps even a big sex drive.
The following examples are just some clues found in handwriting:
The size of the loop in the letter ‘d’ will tell you
how sensitive your mate is — a big loop means
they need more compliments.
A ‘jealousy’ loop at the beginning of a letter
indicates whether you’ll get in trouble for
‘admiring the opposite sex.’
A person whose writing slants to the right
is expressive and outgoing,
and a person who slants to the left is
emotionally withdrawn and even introverted.
The bigger the loop in the letter ‘y’,
the bigger the sex drive.
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The letter ‘O’ reveals everything from
how well you keep a secret to whether
you will lie or not.
A t-bar that slants down to the right
means this person has a
need to be in control–
watch out!
Personally, I will not date a woman until I’ve seen her handwriting. I’ve wasted a lot of time and heartache on relationships that weren’t right for me until I started using this tool.
To find out if you and a potential lover may be compatible, you can complete a ‘Handwriting Self-Test’ on one of my websites, handwritingwizard.com.
It will give you some basic compatibility traits, as well as the ‘5 Hell Traits’ to watch out for in a person’s handwriting from last week’s newsletter.
While the use of handwriting analysis is commonplace in Europe, it is just now becoming mainstream in the U.S. About 80 percent of French companies use it to screen prospective employees, while an estimated 8000 U.S. companies now use it as an evaluation tool.
It’s amazing that companies will pay headhunters thousands of dollars on finding the right vice president, but some people won’t invest 80 bucks and 10 minutes to make sure they’re choosing the right life-long partner.
I suggest everyone take a few minutes to learn some of the key handwriting traits so that you can start looking for the perfect Valentine. For more information about handwriting analysis, training, or my books, visit myhandwriting.com or handwritinguniversity.com
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