Kids Handwriting Workshop with Doc Grayson – Customer Viewing Area
This is the location to view the replays of the class and download the handouts. Each session is approximately 65 minutes in duration and you have the ability to download the […]
This is the location to view the replays of the class and download the handouts. Each session is approximately 65 minutes in duration and you have the ability to download the […]
Announcing the winner of the Handwriting 101 Kindle Fire Giveaway.
As you might know, I promised to give away one brand new Kindle Fire book reader to anyone
kind enough to leave a “book review” at the Handwriting Analysis 101 amazon book page to
help this little introductory book reach “Best Seller Status”.
Well, thank you dozens of kind readers and fans… we hit #1 last week.
Bart Baggett’s handwriting analysis roundtable recordings.
This was the first 44 minutes of a three day seminar on Success Secrets
recorded Live in Bangalore during December 2004. Here is your first lecture… which is just full of the best tips on thinking
in affluence, speaking in powerful language, and re-thinking your way
to more success and happiness in life.
The author of the book in question charts the precise
journey he took to go from working 80-100 work weeks
(for 15 years) down to just 2 hours… (not per day… 2 hours per week.)