In a recent survey to our 30,000 readers, like you, it was apparent that you want more analysis or REAL PEOPLE with step-by-step explanations of how I analyze handwriting of everyday people.
(Sure celebrities and politicians are interesting… but you are in the real world analyzing real people everyday, right?)
This is the writing of a great tanning salon receptionist (true story).
One would think that the person who wrote this sample is a youthful teenager or in their early 20s, but that is not always accurate. We often see bubbly, large, middle-zone handwriting in females in the ages teen to 20s but you’ll also find this up through age 50. What is accurate about that inaccurate observation is that the person is playful, immature, lives in the moment and is probably a lot fun to be around.
The most obvious trait in this young lady’s handwriting is the large middle zone. This area in graphology is often called the M. Z. (middle zone). Any time you have a large middle zone you have an exceptional and exaggerated need and ability for social aptitude and this is usually at the expense of both philosophy and/or physical nature. In this case her lower loops Ys are not particularly long or strong and the upper zones are not nonexistent but not predominant so you find this person predominately lives in the moment which of course is the definition of fun. What is fun? It’s someone who can be completely in the moment. However I wouldn’t call that a Zen, spiritually evolved person such as be in the moment, appreciate what happens, etc. Now I talked mostly about the middle zone because this is the primary trait and when you look at handwriting you definitely look at what’s the most primary and outrageous trait first because that will dominate the overall personality.
If you look at the individual strokes you’ll find some other interesting things which would fill in the gaps to make this person unique from let’s say 20 of her 21-year-old friends that also work at a tanning salon.
The backwards T bar which is pointed is often considered self-castigation or self-punishment. You might find self-deprecation as a sense of humor. You find the T bar is in the middle zone which is an average to a low self-esteem.
You find the O’s are open at top which makes her talkative. This is not surprising at all considering how big the middle zone is. You see someone who is both friendly and talkative and socially gregarious.
Now if you look at the slant and you’re a beginner in handwriting analysis you might make the mistake of assuming because the slant is an AB writer the person’s introverted. This is not true. Because the slant is AB in certain portions it means the person has a tendency to make logical, self-centered decisions. That has nothing to do with being introverted and although the basic books imply that AB writers are sometimes more emotionally withdrawn it is really based on a average-sized middle zone. A middle zone can completely change the definition of introvert or extravert depending on the slant and the combination thereof.
The word takes has a large K so you see a little bit of defiance. The Y in you has a little bit of aggressiveness backwards to the pass so you may find some annoyance or irritation and the I dots tend to be close to the stems so you do see some good eye for detail.
The two traits that I think are really useful is in the bottom line you see the word meeting, you see the word see and you see the word soon. All of these contain a excessive Figure 8 which is a sign of intelligence and a sign of fluid thinking so you see this individual is very social, very friendly and very smooth at talking so I hope this person’s at the front desk selling tanning memberships which is where this is from because she would be great talker. Talkative people aren’t always good talkers. Sometimes they just move their mouth. People with connected letters such as the S and the P and the E and the Figure 8 they’re always loquacious and that is a great word for you to look up and add to your dictionary of wonderful vocabulary words to explain to somebody in handwriting analysis.
What kind of job would this person have? Easy. Put this person in front of people; retail, sales, face to face or telephone people. Make sure that they are interacting with people because they have a strong need for social connection and a strong need for connecting with other people and they’re very good at it. They are naturally empathetic and they really, really do need people like a flower needs water.
Click here to see Jessica’s full handwriting sample with no notes.
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Here is Jessica Simpson’s signature: Not fluffy and not round. Smarter than one might think!

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I have a cousin in law who writes pretty much as Jessica above and having known (and studying her handwriting) it wasn’t hard for me to understand Bart’s analysis at of this young lady at all.
The one thing I found amazing is that since Jessica is empathetic I would have thought there would have been a right hand slant just a bit but there isn’t.
In my imagination I think that Jessica might even feature another Jessica……..Jessica Simpson the famous spokesperson for some of the Macy’s commercials. Would be interesting to see if Bart has a photo of this person and if so can he verify my intuition about this? Just curious. I bet the Jessica mentioned here is slightly overweight, quite pretty and very personable. Just right for the front desk in some business.
I have no idea if the writer , Jessica, fits your physical description. I have yet to read a reliable book that correlates physical attributes to handwriting (reliable)… I have read unreliable books, which I did not find accurate.
Also, I placed a photo of Jessica Simpson’s writing. She doesn’t not have the same fluffy handwriting, as one might expect, she has pointy m humps … probably a large middle zone. Remember that a super large Middle Zone is the KEY indicator of the friendly personality, not slant.
Very Interesting……………..
I was really happy to see a breakdown and differentiation of the topics of slant, middle zone, introvert/extravert, social aptitude and more included here in this sample. Excellent descriptiveness, and Way to go, Bart!