Special Edition:
Note. These graphics were purchased from the most complete zodiac site available, and you can also purchase most of the high resolution graphics, and see other letters, not published here at the zodiackiller.com website. The person who runs this site, takes donations for the full graphics and has been very helpful during this investigation and TV show production. So, who are the suspects? Rick Marshall, Arther Leigh Allen, Andy Walker, Lawrence Kane, Michael O'Hare, Bruce Davis, Ted Kaczynski, others? In my opinion, the zodiac writings don't match checks written by Arthur Leigh Allen , and the document examiner in the 70's agree. (see findings) Even his poorly written custody writing doesn't match. What about Laurence Kane's writing, from police files, under questioning... fake writing? See it here. The latest movie "Zodiac" (imdb link) stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, and Anthony Edwards. In the movie, the author suggest the killer is Arthur Allen, whose handwriting we do have a copy of on this site. However, Bart Baggett, contradicts this theory during the America's Most Wanted episode (air date Feb 24th) claiming the handwriting of the two suspects in the movie simply doesn't match. Leaving more questions as to who the real killer is. Watch the video of this appearance via the video podcast, subscribe here.
Bart Baggett, Author and Lead Trainer Maryann Redhead, Director HandwritingUniversity.com admin @ myhandwriting.com https://handwritinguniversity.com
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