Event Information:
- Event: April 2014 Tutoring Class
- Host: Bart Baggett
- Date: Monday, April 28, 2013
- Time: 6pm
- Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
- Dial-in number: (206) 402-0100
- Listen to streaming replay of class here: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=44567490
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Sample Gallery:
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Ever Thought of Becoming An Authorized Handwriting University Trainer ?
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Hello Bart,
Its a privilege to enjoy the live tutoring class conducted by you. Very recently, I have purchased 101 online course and am enjoying the fundamentals and the phenomenon being taught in those notes.
Last time also I uploaded my sister’s handwriting sample, but I believe you prioritise to scrutinize the samples for those who are online at that moment.
I was listening to your replay, but I couldnt get through skype. I am a resident of Bahrain and there is a big time difference, nevertheless I was up, but unfortunately couldnt get through the line.
I would request you to kindly go through the hand writing sample submitted by me for my sister NISHIE.
If by any chance I miss again atleast I will hear your comments on her writing.
Thanks and Regards,