This is a unique tele-class that Handwriting University FACULTY hosts each month – just for Silver and Gold Members.
Because our November class was delayed, we are having two tutoring classes in December… and this
is the first one. Think of it as a make up class for November.
This tele-class will be aimed more towards answering questions that you may have about
handwriting analysis and to walk you through analyzing your own handwriting sample. Y
ou can also bring up any questions you may have about our home study course.
handwriting analysis and to walk you through analyzing your own handwriting sample. Y
ou can also bring up any questions you may have about our home study course.
Event Information:
- Event: December 2013 Tutoring Class
- Host: Allie Erber
- Date: Monday, December 2, 2013
- Time: 6pm
- Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
- Dial-in number: (206) 402-0100
- Listen to streaming replay of class here: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=48888345Phone Number: (206) 402-0100
Pin Code: 1541250#
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Sample Gallery:
If you need to refresh/reload this page, please click here
Upload a handwriting sample here (jpeg, gif, or png). [ngg_uploader id = 34]
Ever Thought of Starting a Business involving handwriting analysis?
Bart Baggett is now hosting monthly seminars on the business of handwriting analysis. Learn more here and get registered.