Video Handwriting Analysis of the Month: Ramon 2 of 2

This month’s “Handwriting Analysis Interview” has arrived. Please give yourself some time to review the handwriting samples shown on yesterday’s post, before you watch today’s interview video. If you are a student or expert in handwriting analysis, you will learn more by viewing the handwriting samples and answering the questions first.

Ramon Chavez – Questions for the Handwriting Analysis student

1. How emotional or temperamental is he?
2. Is he honest and direct or can he lie?
3. Is he analytical & quick or more slow & cumulative in his decision making?
4. How does he handle criticisms from others? How self-critical is he?
5. How high is his self esteem?
6. How high are his goals?
7. In what situation would he lose his temper? Road rage?
8. Is he light hearted and playful or cruel and mean spirited?

Ramon Chavez Print Handwriting Sample (Click to enlarge)

Ramon Chavez Cursive Handwriting Sample (Click to enlarge)

If you are ready, then lets meet Ramon Chavez.

Video Interview:

Handwriting Analysis 101 Course

Brief Description:
This home study course allows you to learn handwriting analysis from your computer via our new membership site or from your own home via the DVD/CD package! This Handwriting Analysis 101 – Introduction to the Basic Traits includes the 101 book, 5 MOV file streaming seminar clips, downloadable emotional gauge, and the entire 101 book, read to you via the 3 hour Audio Book in Flash and MP3 format.

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