2022 Update for Handwriting University Friends and Family.
Hey Everyone around the globe. Here is a quick video update for you about the upcoming classes, news, and live events involving our Handwriting University family across the planet. […]
Hey Everyone around the globe. Here is a quick video update for you about the upcoming classes, news, and live events involving our Handwriting University family across the planet. […]
Download Bart Baggett’s best selling book which reveals success tips from handwriting analysis, NLP, hypnosis, self-help, and other personal development perspectives. 444 pages. PDF format.
As you know, I speak around the world on topics ranging from success, handwriting, coaching, spirituality, and wealth. Today, I am releasing one of the most “Law of Attraction” […]
In this article, you shall find his complete suicide note and an analysis of the mental state of the writer. The note is transcribed as having said:
When you look at the handwriting of a real career criminal… can you spot the issues? In some samples, you probably get a huge GUT FEELING that this is a very […]