2022 Update for Handwriting University Friends and Family.

Hey Everyone around the globe.


Here is a quick video update for you about the upcoming classes, news, and live events involving our Handwriting University family across the planet. 

Lots of things happening this year and perhaps we are back from our involuntary 2-year hiatus from live teaching and community events.  Scroll down below to get the exact URL links mentioned in the video message. 


Want to attend or teach the Signature Makeover Workshop?  

First, attend a class and connect with your professor to learn more about the program. We currently have no USA , Europe, or Australia-based teachers to teach these weekly classes which have been the best method to introducing handwriting analysis to thousands of people over the past year. 

https://signaturemakeoverworkshop.com  Classes fill up weeks in advance, please register and put an alarm in your calendar. 


https://signaturemakeoverworkshop.com  Classes fill up weeks in advance, please register and put an alarm in your calendar.      Register Now using your name and email at the registration page.

Do you want to work for Handwriting University?  We have customer service, faculty, and video co-host/blog writer positions available. 

Contact our team at our customer service page: 


And finally, make sure you subscribe and set your notifications to “on” on both the Handwriting University YouTube channel and our Facebook Group for Students only. 



Private Facebook group for enrolled students and all levels of experience. 



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