This is a unique tele-class that Handwriting University FACULTY hosts each month – just for Silver and Gold Members. This tele-class will be aimed more towards answering questions that you may have about handwriting analysis and to walk you through analyzing your own handwriting sample. You can also bring up any questions you may have about our home study course. You can upload a handwriting sample right now for the class to analyze.

Event Information:
- Event: MARCH Tutoring Call with Allie
- Host: Allie
- Date: Monday, March 11th, 2013
- Time: 6:00pm Pacific
- Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
- Dial-in number: (206) 402-0100
- Pin Code: 1541250#
- Or, check for a local dial-in number…http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local/
- To attend or visit: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=38594964
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Hey Bart!
Thanks for doing this interview – everyone LOVES the story because you were shockingly spot on. Especially about Don. So great. Here’s the piece – click the little audio box up top to listen.
Thanks and cheers and good luck – you’re awesome!
Rachel Belle:
“You probably have the prettiest handwriting in radio. You have very beautiful, feminine handwriting. For those of you at home, it’s literally like a third grade teacher writing so pretty and so perfect and so feminine. It’s just so fun to look at. Its aesthetically pleasing. Now, she’s proud of that. I would be scared of this. People who write too pretty tend to be perfectionists, they tend to have anxiety when things go wrong. They tend to be concerned about their image and what people look like. I love the fact you’re so organized. But I’m afraid you’re going to get anxious if things fall apart at the seams.”
This confused me, because despite being very Type A, I have a very silly side. Bart says this does not come out in my handwriting, probably because I actually care about my penmanship and make an effort to keep it looking nice. Something I was not expecting, a look into my family life.
“Your cursive writing says you’re close to your mother but your father is missing. Maybe he’s passed away or maybe the relationship is not as close.”
He’s exactly right.
***** Other comments from the Radio Show ******
Let’s move on to our hardworking producer, Libby.
“I like Libby! She’s spunky and outgoing and bright and social. Her handwriting actually writes like a man. She’s analytical, hyper critical, very honest. She might have a little temper. She’s kind of aggressive like a guy. That doesn’t mean she’s not feminine. But she is really, really driven and has a good eye for detail. Man, she’s smart. Getting into an argument with her would be difficult because she’s smart, she’s got a little bit of resentment and she loves strong, smart men. So she’ll sit and go toe to toe with the toughest guy in the room.”
I think that’s pretty spot on.
“Now Ron, he’s probably the most introverted of all the personalities. That doesn’t mean he can’t be emotive, but anyone who writes this small is normally an engineer, a computer programmer or a racecar drover. They’re intense individuals. His signature is big which means a big healthy ego. The one thing that pops out about Ron is his aggressiveness. Which is interesting because you think Don is the aggressive one, but he’s a big personality. Actually, Ron is more aggressive because he’s so focused like a time bomb.”
Ok, and now on to the most fascinating handwriting anal, Don O’Neill.
“He has all of the ‘Hell Traits’ in my first book. By ‘Hell Traits’ I mean defiance, hates to follow rules, he’s got a huge ego which means he’s going to be so confident in public. This guy’s going to shake your hand, look into your eyes, he’s going to be great. But that ego is also masking an insecurity. He’s exceptionally sensitive to whether people like him or not. It’s a fear of not being loved.”
How does Don do with the ladies?
“He has a huge issue with women. He has probably had a scattered past of strong women that he feels he’s been betrayed by. So now he’s only attracted to really strong, tough girls. Then he feels like it’s an accomplishment to get them to love him. So I would say his relationships are tumultuous at best.”
But he’s got his good traits as well.
“He’s got the biggest sex drive of the afternoon show. He’s dynamic, he’s energetic, he’s smart, he’s got a good eye for detail. But he just doesn’t fit into a box. He is someone who likes to be on his own, defiant and make his own rules.”
***** Other comments from the Radio Show ******
Let’s move on to our hardworking producer, Libby.
“I like Libby! She’s spunky and outgoing and bright and social. Her handwriting actually writes like a man. She’s analytical, hyper critical, very honest. She might have a little temper. She’s kind of aggressive like a guy. That doesn’t mean she’s not feminine. But she is really, really driven and has a good eye for detail. Man, she’s smart. Getting into an argument with her would be difficult because she’s smart, she’s got a little bit of resentment and she loves strong, smart men. So she’ll sit and go toe to toe with the toughest guy in the room.”
I think that’s pretty spot on.
“Now Ron, he’s probably the most introverted of all the personalities. That doesn’t mean he can’t be emotive, but anyone who writes this small is normally an engineer, a computer programmer or a racecar drover. They’re intense individuals. His signature is big which means a big healthy ego. The one thing that pops out about Ron is his aggressiveness. Which is interesting because you think Don is the aggressive one, but he’s a big personality. Actually, Ron is more aggressive because he’s so focused like a time bomb.”
Ok, and now on to the most fascinating handwriting anal, Don O’Neill.
“He has all of the ‘Hell Traits’ in my first book. By ‘Hell Traits’ I mean defiance, hates to follow rules, he’s got a huge ego which means he’s going to be so confident in public. This guy’s going to shake your hand, look into your eyes, he’s going to be great. But that ego is also masking an insecurity. He’s exceptionally sensitive to whether people like him or not. It’s a fear of not being loved.”
How does Don do with the ladies?
“He has a huge issue with women. He has probably had a scattered past of strong women that he feels he’s been betrayed by. So now he’s only attracted to really strong, tough girls. Then he feels like it’s an accomplishment to get them to love him. So I would say his relationships are tumultuous at best.”
But he’s got his good traits as well.
“He’s got the biggest sex drive of the afternoon show. He’s dynamic, he’s energetic, he’s smart, he’s got a good eye for detail. But he just doesn’t fit into a box. He is someone who likes to be on his own, defiant and make his own rules.”