Handwriting Analysis of Olympic Gold Medalist, Cael Sanderson

Article by: Karen McDonald (Certified Handwriting Analyst)

I went on the internet and typed in Cael Sanderson’s name and up popped 3,222 web sites telling what an incredible wrestler he is, about his wins, accomplishments, and achievements.

“Wow,” I thought, he is an incredible young man, and to think that he grew up in my neighborhood in Heber, Utah. To me, he will always be the boy who lived up the street, who was friends with my son, who didn’t look like he was listening in Sunday School, and seemed like just a normal kid.

So, what is it that makes the boy up the street become an NCAA four time champion with159 wins and no losses and an Olympic Gold medalist, probably the best wrestler in the world?

As a Certified Handwriting Analyst, I wanted to examine a different side of Cael. I wanted to find the traits visible in his handwriting that predicted greatness.

When I finally got him on the phone, he was hesitant, but agreed to let me examine his handwriting.  Those who know Cael well, know that he doesn’t like attention, (it shows in his handwriting).


Many of you may know more about Cael and his Olympic success than you do about the science of handwriting.  Let me say a little about this science.

Handwriting is actually brain writing and has been studied since the 1600’s.  Our brain prints, which are revealed in our handwriting, unveil who we are, how we feel, think and behave.  No two people ever have the exact same brain print.

Personality traits, emotions, intellect, and energy are just a few of the things that are revealed in handwriting.  The few things you cannot tell from handwriting are age, gender,  nationality, the future, and whether the person wrote with their right or left hand, their foot, or their mouth. Handwriting analysis is used throughout the world for law enforcement, applicant screening, personality profiles, parties, self-improvement and to predict compatibility in relationships.


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Mr. Bart Baggett, who is an internationally renowned handwriting expert, has said there are common traits among successful people. These include high self-esteem, high goals, determination, enthusiasm, integrity, healthy ego, persistence, optimism and strong physical drives, all of which can be seen in a person’s handwriting. As I looked at Cael’s handwriting, he actually had every one of those traits. No wonder he is such a success!

The first letters I looked at were his t’s.

The way you cross a t indicates how high your self esteem and goals are.  The length of the t-bar shows enthusiasm. Cael has high self-esteem, good goals and enthusiasm in his handwriting.  These traits are evident when you meet him in person. “I always wanted to be the best,” says Cael. When he went to Iowa State, he set a goal to win four NCAA titles.  He was the 1st wrestler in history to ever accomplish this with 159 wins…and no losses!

The way you cross a t indicates how high your self esteem and goals are.  The length of the t-bar shows enthusiasm. Cael has high self-esteem, good goals and enthusiasm in his handwriting.  These traits are evident when you meet him in person. “I always wanted to be the best,” says Cael. When he went to Iowa State, he set a goal to win four NCAA titles.  He was the 1st wrestler in history to ever accomplish this with 159 wins…and no losses!The way you cross a t indicates how high your self esteem and goals are.  The length of the t-bar shows enthusiasm. Cael has high self-esteem, good goals and enthusiasm in his handwriting.  These traits are evident when you meet him in person. “I always wanted to be the best,” says Cael. When he went to Iowa State, he set a goal to win four NCAA titles.  He was the 1st wrestler in history to ever accomplish this with 159 wins…and no losses!

In an article I read about Cael, it stated that he dominates his opponents with the three S’s; strength, speed and smarts.

He also has a stroke in his handwriting that tells me he is very optimistic.

When you see this in handwriting, you know the writer expects things to turn out right. Cael said, “It seemed impossible to go four years undefeated, but I could always win my next match.”

Steve Sanderson, Cael’s father said, “He never planned on losing.  He always prepared and planned on winning.

“He is tall (at 6-foot-1) and uses his leverage to his advantage.  Cael is a very, very intelligent wrestler.  Combine that with the environment he is in at Iowa State and you have the necessary mix for greatness.

“He is gifted physically with world class speed.  He is very strong and very flexible.  He is in excellent shape and wears people down.  There is really no place you can hide on the mat.  His style is relentless.”

Sure enough, his handwriting tells me he is a very intelligent person, has a quick mind, sizes up situations quickly and likes to analyze. His brother, Cody, said, “He’s so smart at wrestling, he just watches the video of his opponent one time, and he has a pretty good idea what he’s up against.”



Cael has evidence of intuition in his handwriting, a 6th sense, which has obviously helped him in his wrestling career. “He has an ability to just feel when his opponent is off-balance. It’s unbelievable,” Cody said.

Another trait Cael has in his handwriting is determination.  Iowa State heavyweight Mark Knauer occasionally drills with him and made the comment, “You have to be well rested. If you’re fatigued, it could be a long day. He’s a machine”. The same in matches. “He just keeps attacking. He doesn’t stop for anything.” Coach Douglas from Iowa State said about Cael, “He has a tremendous drive and a love for the sport”.


Cael’s handwriting also demonstrates persistence.  He has been quoted to say, “One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time.” Maybe that trait came from having two older brothers who beat up on him. It certainly has served him well over the years; and, along with other traits, has made him perhaps the greatest wrestler this world has ever seen.

As we all know, Cael couldn’t have accomplished what he has without determination, persistence, high self-esteem, etc.  But, other things show in his handwriting.  Did you know that Cael likes to acquire knowledge, doesn’t like to be told to take the garbage out, makes decisions with his head, rather than his heart, and can be a little sarcastic at times?  He is also a little secretive and is not going to tell you or anyone else everything he knows – your secrets are safe with him. And, believe it or not, his handwriting and our phone conversation actually tell me he is a talker; that is, when he wants to be.  Average boy-next-door – with more than average drive, ambition…and talent.


  1. Anybody have Shaun White’s handwriting. Now that would be very cool and so 2010?

  2. Can we see the whole sample of Cael’s handwriting?
    Thanks, Toni

  3. Cael is also sensitive to criticism and there is some resentment in his y and a short y down stroke but a fairly wide loop. Maybe he uses his imagination to activate a stronger physical drive then he actually has. Comments, Bart? See you in Vegas

  4. Sorry, this article was first published a few years ago and we are unable to locate the original. Perhaps the author has a copy , but we looked and looked and looked to no avail!

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