Neuro-Pathway to Happiness (TEDx Talk Luxembourg)

What Makes You Happy? by Bart Baggett

In this 18 minute lecture recorded at the recent TEDx Ubi WILTZ event in Luxembourg, Bart Baggett presents three little known techniques to hardwire your brain for happiness. The video is now online at the official TEDx webite.


However, you can listen to it now via audio only and imagine yourself in the audience… learning how to program your unconscious mind.  Below are the images the audience viewed while Bart was speaking.


Below are the slides as they are shown on the video.  Simply listen and view the slides from left to right, just like reading a newspaper.  The video will be out in a few months. Feel free to leave your comments below.  ONLY our subscribers get this sneak peak into the big time world of professional speaking.  This is one video that if you help share it to get over a Million views, could bring the idea of grapho-therapy into the mainstream.




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