Month 7: Block Printing by Bart Baggett (Recorded Live)

Learn the process of analyzing Block Printing- recorded live at the  Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.
This never before-published video is in one section (about 28 minutes running time ). Paid Member’s Only.

This is for member’s only and it explains a hard-to-grasp concept of how block printing is possible to analyze and shows examples of such. The video is compressed for internet streaming, but the audio is solid and understandable.


Here is a an older file, which you can download and watch if you have a flash player: Bonus Video

(This video may take a moment to load, it is about an hour long.)

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  1. Hi Bart, What could be the impact on the child if he normally writes cursive and is forced to write block.

  2. Hi Pradeep, I think Bart missed this question. I’m going to submit it as a question in one of the upcoming tele-classes as a question for you.

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